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Please,May you help me with grading this General WT2?

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 7:15 am
by walidf
Nowadays the amount of garbage we produce is increasing and it becomes a global problem. Please say
- What are the reasons behind this?
- What can be done to solve this problem?
- Who should take more responsibility, companies or individuals?

In the last decade`s we are having a lot of life aspects, which is consider a threat on our earth. One of the most greatly dangerous threats is the trash and the garbage. We must start analyzing and studying the garbage and trash problem for the good of our environment and our health.
In my Opinion, the garbage problem started and attached to the industrial factories. These factories are producing a lot of industrial material, but also producing a lot of trash and garbage. Mostly, this industrial garbage consists of plastic, glass, or some other chemical material. Also, add to that, what we as human being do to our plant. In addition, how we are keep it dirty with a lot of garbage and trash from chemical and other material factories.
These materials are effecting our global badly. Moreover, it is badly affecting both our health and the next generation health. The garbage and trash eats the rest of our planet resource and effectively waste it daily. Simply, we have to stop being ignorant about this problem and starting doing something.
Researches had been working on this problem, and had invented a lot of useful ways and mechanisms to destroy and recycle this garbage. Also these mechanisms helps to recycling the garbage and trash from waste material to good material, so we can use it more than once. This is helping in reducing expenses we paying to get rid of these materials or producing a new one.
Therefore, we must take real strict actions towards this problem. Not Only us as human, but also governments should do a bigger role in solving the garbage problem. I think they need to start more policies and laws against any person, factory or organization, which get rid of this garbage with bad and no-secure way. Furth more, governments should work on increasing the fines and fees against any company or individual, who act badly towards this problem.
To sum up, we have to concentrate for more solutions to this problem. We all have to be a part of it and each one do his role.

Re: Please,May you help me with grading this General WT2?

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 7:19 am
by walidf
Nowadays the way many people interact with each other has changed because of technology.
In what ways has technology affected personal relationships? Has this become a positive or negative development?

Everything has two sides, and the Technology affection on people relation is not an exception. We cannot deny how much technology transformed the individual reaction with others in his family and surrounding community.
In my opinion, that technology has effected and transformed our life aspects and dealing with other people in a good way. Recently, we have many faster and cheaper methods to call our family and friends. Moreover, some technology giving us chances to see and talk with them in the same time. In addition, we informed in daily basis with the last updates and news about our friends and family, so we can remember the b-days, graduation parties and even marriage anniversary. Furthermore, these methods make it faster and easier to call and congratulate other individual.
On the other hand, many people believes that, Technology aspects are effecting individual relations badly. Because, if we hadn`t these kinds of technology, we would have been visiting each other regularly.
Not only that, but individuals will not be isolated from each other. Especially, who are addicted to using connection networks. As a matter of fact, people become talking to each other in face-to-face method rarely. In particular, people personalities are changing so much, because of addiction in using Facebook. It`s one of the vital reason to decrease confidence and self stem.
As can been seen, even if we have some bad effects of technology and how it changed the way people contact each others, but we still have much more effects. We can obtain many easy and cheaper methods to contact each other. In Fact, Technology enhanced our life`s and the way we are contacting each others.

Re: Please,May you help me with grading this General WT2?

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 8:42 pm
by Flick
walidf wrote:Nowadays the amount of garbage we produce is increasing and it becomes a global problem. Please say
- What are the reasons behind this?
- What can be done to solve this problem?
- Who should take more responsibility, companies or individuals?

In the last decade`s we are having a lot of life aspects, which is consider a threat on our earth.(<--Reword to: "In recent decades, aspects of human life have become a threat to the planet." One of the biggest threats is the trash and the garbage. We must start analyzing and studying this problem for the good of our environment and our health.

In my opinion, the garbage problem started due to the industrial factories. These factories are producing a lot of industrial material, but also producing a lot of trash and garbage. Mostly, this industrial garbage consists of plastic, glass, or some other chemical material. Also, add to that, what we as human being do to our plant.(<--Reword to: "On top of industrial waste is the garbage that humans create every day."

These materials are affecting our planet significantly. Moreover, it is badly affecting both our health and the next generation's health. The garbage and trash eats the planet's resources daily. Simply, we have to stop being ignorant about this problem and start doing something.

Researchers have been working on this problem, and have invented a lot of useful ways and mechanisms to destroy and recycle this garbage. These mechanisms help to recycle the garbage and trash from waste material into useful material, so we can use it more than once. This is helping in reducing expenses we pay to get rid of these materials or produce new goods.

Therefore, we must take strict actions regarding this problem. Not only us as individuals, but also governments should take a bigger role in solving the garbage problem. I think they need to start more policies and laws against any person, factory or organization, which gets rid of garbage in bad and unsafe ways. Furthermore, governments should work on increasing the fines and fees against any company or individual who acts badly towards this problem.

To sum up, we have to concentrate on more solutions to this problem. We all have to be a part of it and everyone has a role to play.

Re: Please,May you help me with grading this General WT2?

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 9:06 pm
by Flick
walidf wrote:Nowadays the way many people interact with each other has changed because of technology.
In what ways has technology affected personal relationships? Has this become a positive or negative development?

Everything has two sides, and the Technology affection on people relation is not an exception.(<--Reword to: "Everything has two sides, and the effect of technology in communication is no exception.") We cannot deny how much technology has transformed the way we communicate with each other.

In my opinion, that technology has effected and transformed our life aspects and dealing with other people in a good way.(<--Reword to: "In my opinion, the effect technology has had on our social lives is positive." Nowadays, we have many fast and cheap methods to contact our family and friends. Moreover, some technology gives us chances to see and talk with them at the same time. In addition, we informed in daily basis with the last updates and news about our friends and family, so we can remember the b-days, graduation parties and even marriage anniversary.(<--Reword to: "In addition, we can keep everyone updated on a daily basis, which makes it easier to remember birthdays, anniversaries and special events.") Furthermore, these methods make it faster and easier to call and congratulate people on their achievements.

On the other hand, many people believe that new technology negatively impacting relationships because, if we didn't have this= technology, we would be visiting each other regularly instead.
Not only that, but individuals will not be isolated from each other.(<--Reword to: "Some people also feel that technology is socially isolating, especially for people who are addicted to using connection networks.") As a matter of fact, people rarely talk to each other face-to-face nowadays. In particular, people's personalities are changing because of addiction to using Facebook. It's one of the vital reason to decrease confidence and self stem.(<--Reword to: This is one of the largest causes of low self-confidence and self-esteem.")

As can been seen, even if there are some bad effects of technology and how it has changed the waywe communicate,the positive effects are more important. We can obtain many easy and cheap methods to contact each other. In fact, technology has enhanced our lives and the way we contact each other.