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Please check essay

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 7:24 pm
by dream2oz

Please assess the essay, provide your feedback and potential band score.

Some people prefer to live in a house, while others think that there are more
advantages living in an apartment.
Are there more advantages than disadvantages to living in a house rather than in an

Choosing accommodation between houses or apartments has been a difficult question among people for decades. Both the choices have different pros and cons. The argument of picking one over another will be discussed by showing their benefits and drawbacks.
Firstly, living in a house gives ample space to the residents and they can have garage, gardens and terrace space. People who love to stay in peace and calm places, prefers houses over apartments. For instance, there is big gap between two houses in western countries and occupants hardly talk to each other. On the other side, multiple apartments are built up in one building and usually they are adjacent to each other. Due to this closeness, one can hear the voice of other’s footsteps in wooden made apartments.
On the contrary, staying in apartments gives enough security which we cannot avail in individual houses. For example, Guards remain alert 24x7 in apartments to save people from thefts and other crimes. This makes people live fearlessly and allow them to sleep peacefully. However, in houses there are no such security guards and people would have to pay more money if they want to hire anyone for the same. Also, apartments allow residents to have interaction with each other so that they can build healthy relationship among themselves. Apart from security and interaction, there are other benefits including electricity backup, clubs and gymnasium etc are provided by apartments.
In conclusion, Choosing between these two options is clearly depends on the preferences people have. Although, after discussing both the points of view, one can say that living in apartments having more benefits than staying in individual houses. It is predicted that people will prefer apartments over houses in near future.

Re: Please check essay

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 6:25 pm
by dream2oz
Hello Ryan,

Could you please evaluate my essay.


Re: Please check essay

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 7:00 pm
by itssujan
Adding my version


Historically, people have been used to live in independent houses. But nowadays, many prefer living in apartments. It is argued that living in an apartment has more advantages that living in a house. Analyzing both the security as well as convenience of people staying in a flat will show this.

Firstly, people living in apartments have the feeling of security. For example, apartment complexes often have round the clock security system and monitoring to safeguard the residents. However, this is not the case with individual homes. Thus, this makes it clear why living in an apartment is better than staying in a house.

Secondly, residents of a flat need not worry about a lot of day to day activities. For instance, any maintenance related issues such plumbing or waste management are taken care of by the residents association. But, people residing in individual houses have to tackle all these problems themselves. From this it becomes quite evident that staying in a flat is advantageous than a house.

In summary, people residing in individual houses lack safety and comfort of an apartment. Thus, it is clear why a flat provides better living than a house.After analyzing the subject, it is predicted that, as time progresses , more and more people will start preferring apartments over houses.