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Please correct my essay on Working Parents.

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 6:46 am
by jyothi318
Please validate the below essay and let me know the expected band score. Thanks in advance.

It is quite common for both parents in the family to work. Sometimes this is because they need two salaries to survive whereas at other times it is their choice.
What problems do you see in this situation? How does this affect children and family life?

Recently, it is not uncommon for both parents to be employed in a family. This is inevitable for some families aspiring for a better livelihood while some others opt for it. It is found that when both parents of a family are employed they face challenges in managing the work and personal life. The problems faced by such families along with the influence of these on children and family life will be made evident in further sections of this essay.

Problems oriented to medical care and lack of healthy family time generally prevail in homes of working parents. First of all, balancing official and personal life is challenging which may involve stress, resulting in health ailments. Promptly attending to the needs of the family turns questionable in such occasions. For instance, when one of the parents or child falls sick taking care of the family though with flexible options as work from home is tough. Next, after a hectic day husband and wife might not be able to spend quality time with their children. The families thus lack time to spend together primarily after tiresome working hours. This is exemplified especially when both husband and wife have different work timings. Care taking during medical emergencies and spending quality time with family are major issues faced by working parents.

Challenges faced by families where both parents are employed impact children and their family life. Children gain knowledge of the world around and understand their responsibilities at an early age as they are exposed to the society through day cares when both parents work. However, the less time parents spend with their children, the more their thoughts and activities are influenced by the child’s acquaintances. Usually, busy schedule of working parents refrain them from spending time with their family. This unless addressed will have an influence on the emotional bonds a family shares.

Thus, to conclude, there exist challenges in maintaining a balance between work and personal life in a family of working parents. Nevertheless these also influence the children and one’s family life. However, ultimately it is the love and understanding between the couple and children as well as planning that strengthens the family bond.

Re: Please correct my essay on Working Parents.

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 6:57 am
by PrasadAnumolu
Dear jothi,

your essay is very nice but u wrote 364 words approximately. 250 words is enough ..

I need speaking partner. when you will write the exam.....
This is my skype_ID :prasad_anumolu (