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task 2.3

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 3:53 pm
by robin20y
Tobacco is a kind of drug. People have been free to use it. Some people think that it should be illegal to use it comparing with other drugs. To what extent do you agree or disagree? What is your opinion?

The after effects of tobacco use have been come to light in this modern century. Following that, some people are in a view that tobacco products need to be banned due to its adverse effects in society. It is disagreed to that concept. This view will be supported by analyzing the possible socio-economic imbalances from a ban of this industry.

First of all, economic sufferings to most of the global nations are expected from a sudden prohibition of tobacco sales. For instance, many countries including India and USA are greatly depend on the income from the huge taxes levied on tobacco, and the absence of that income from a ban would affect those countries severely. So, a ban on tobacco cannot be considered as a best option to follow. This makes it clear that why it is not supported to prohibit tobacco products.

Secondly, social unrest could be the other possible side effect from banning tobacco. For instance, in a country like India, hundreds of thousands people make a living by being employed either directly or indirectly in tobacco industry. Thus, a ban will surely put those people out of employment which will end in social conflicts. Now it is clear that a ban on tobacco is not welcomed.

To conclude, as a backbone for many economies and as an employer for millions of people, tobacco possesses a significant role to mankind. Therefore It has been proved that why I am against of imposing a ban on tobacco. After analyzing the subject, it can be advised that instead of a ban, authorities should take some alternative ways to minimize the consumption of tobacco.