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Post by vnskrajiv »

I took ielts fr 3 times

first time r -6.5,l-6,w-5.5,s-5.5, overall--6.

second time r-6.5,l-6,w-6,s-6 , overall---6.

third time r-7.5,l-6.5,w-6,s-6.5, overall---6.5.

at last achieved

its real hard to write same boring thing 3 time,I am tired of doing same exercises

that is why while writing 3rd time ,I took only 4 tests,

practice is important but it should nt be testing

training is more important than testing,I read this in simons blog ,realized and started new ways of practicing

I am overloaded with task2 videos of ryans which gave lot of cofidence ,but I am not able to scr well in writing even fr third time because of my spellings and task 1 .

At the time I asked Ryan abt task1 its time fr holidays fr him so I have no choice.


TED TALKS helped me a lot to listen to many and many accents ,not only in speaking they also helped me in writing by giving me ideas on diff topics like pollution ,education, almost every thing
I even used to reiterate what they said to my phn recorder and correct myselves in this way helped at speaking

as i am confident abt reading ,I have not practiced it .

I am nt sure that any one will read such a passage wit gramatical errs and not lined

but hope RYAN is gng read dis and advice his students abt TED TALKS,they really resoursefull ryan pls sugest ur students
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Re: satisfied

Post by Ryan »

Hi vnskrajiv,

Thank you for sharing that link. Yes, those TED Talks presentations are excellent and definitely perfect resources for IELTS takers.
Posts: 8
Joined: Sun Dec 15, 2013 4:35 pm

Re: satisfied

Post by vnskrajiv »

very nice of you Ryan ,replying each and every post,wish you become more resourceful and help many and many,I share each and every one of my friends about you,who are taking IELTS.
hope u advice your students about TED talks.

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