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pls rate my letter! delay in paying rent

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 6:59 pm
by ramogi
Task Topic:
You have recently moved into a new flat. Unfortunately, you lost some money the other day and cannot afford to pay next month's rent when it is due.
Write a letter to the landlord explaining the situation and that you will pay as soon as your parents send you the money. Also, mention that there are some problems with the flat.

25 November 2014

Dear Mr. Sharma,

Subject: Delay in paying next month's rent

I am writing this letter to inform you that I would be a little late in paying next month's rent.

Due to an unfortunate train journey to office, I lost my wallet to a pickpocket and realized it when I got down at Malviya Nagar metro station when I had to punch the metro card. I am new to the city and do not know many people here. Since, its already end of month and as per rent agreement terms, the rent is due on 1st December 2014. I have informed my parents and they will be transferring some money in my account but it will take around 3-4 working days. Kindly allow me 2-3 days grace period to pay the rent.

Also, I wanted to mention a few problems with the flat. The geyser does not work and the latch of the balcony door is not functional which is important to be fixed soon to avoid robbery while I am away at work.

Thank you in advance

Yours sincerely