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Grade my essay - IELTS Book 5

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 11:53 am
by ya123
Nowadays we are producing more and more rubbish. Why do think this is happening? What can governments do to help reduce the amount of rubbish produced?


Rubbish and waste production has been tremendously increased in recent decades. This poses serious health and environmental issue. Reasons for rubbish production and solutions to curb it will be analyzed.

The first and obvious reason for increase in rubbish production is a trend towards adapting urban lifestyle. We are using plastic bags while buying groceries and this plastic bag is very dangerous to environment due to its synthetic composition. Moreover, Industrialization is also a major contributor in rubbish increase. Many industries are not disposing off waste material properly and instead dumping it in nearby water channels. Finally, the last stakeholder in rubbish surge is lack of awareness. People are not handling trash properly and use to throw it in open areas.

There are many approaches to deal with this issue. Firstly, Government should create awareness among people to maintain simple lifestyle. Print and electronic media can be used to educate public about the procedures to properly dumping trash. Usage of clothing bags should be encourages and plastic bags should be banned. Government should set-up recycling plants in every district so that rubbish can be recycled. At last, Waste departments need to do job effectively and they should timely collect trash from bins.

To conclude, there are many reasons for rubbish production nowadays. Its production can be decreased by adapting simple lifestyle and trash can be recycled and utilized again. Government commitment in dealing with this problem is very much needed.