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idp my speaking topic 4 th december india gujarat

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 11:48 am
by sufiyan123
today i have done my idp speaking nd it was very easy
first part about introduction
do u like handwriting letter ?why
have u ever recive handwritten letter?
do u like ur writing ?
whats ur fevorite colour?why
colour r importance for car?
part 2 que card
describe a something healthy u doing?
what do u do?
do u enjoy to doing?
exaplain why it is important for helth ?
part 3 related health

Re: idp my speaking topic 4 th december india gujarat

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 1:19 pm
by opiskelia
My questions were:
-describe ur apartament
-ur favorite room
- shoes

cue card was about sportsman (f*ck)
then we discussed sports and so on

Re: idp my speaking topic 4 th december india gujarat

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 1:54 pm
by sunnykarry
IELTS Speaking Test in India

Part 1

Tell me about the city you come from.
What do you like to do on weekends?
What do people in your country like to do on weekends?
Do you think that weekends are necessary? Why?
What are the entertainment places available in your area?
Which entertainment place would you prefer in your area?

Part 2

Describe an international sport event that you saw. Please say:

- Where and when did you see it?
- With whom did you watch it?
- What did you do while watching it?

Part 3

What sports do people play in your country?
Do men and women usually choose to play the same sports?
What are some differences between men's sports and women's sports?
Do you think old people can also benefit from playing sports?
In your country, do companies ever provide opportunities for their employees to play sport? - See more at: http://ieltsspeakingquestions.blogspot. ... 7nS0A.dpuf

Re: idp my speaking topic 4 th december india gujarat

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 6:13 pm
by myazici
Hi Sunnykerrt,

I think this question is not new. Am I right. it should be from 2012/12.


Re: idp my speaking topic 4 th december india gujarat

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 2:32 am
by sunnykarry
Hi ,

I found this question in another site mentioning as 2014 speaking topic. I am not quiet sure if this is old. Just posted as it might help us all. I am giving speaking exam in few hours from now. Please post some recent speaking topicif you know. thank you