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do colleges know how many times I appeared?

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 7:32 am
by steakpie
for ielts?

or since i only submit 1 result, they don't know anything about the other attempts?

if on first attempt I get better bands than 2nd attempt, can I still submit just the 1st attempt and no one would know?
or can I only submit the 2nd (latest) attempt?

thank you :)

Re: do colleges know how many times I apprared?

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 11:05 am
by steakpie
anyone who can answer this?

Re: do colleges know how many times I appeared?

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 10:14 am
by Sohan_Patel
I wanna also know this .

Re: do colleges know how many times I appeared?

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 3:24 pm
by steakpie

Re: do colleges know how many times I appeared?

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 1:55 pm
by Ryan
(If any of what I've written below is inaccurate or outdated, please kindly reply to this thread with your understanding/update.)

Hi guys,

A copy of the Test Report Form (the document containing your IELTS results) is sent to the institutions you listed when applying for the exam. These institutions are referred to as "Recognising Organisations" on the exam application form and in most IELTS literature. The TRF does not indicate the number of times you have taken the exam (I confirmed this with a quick call to the British Council); however, if you attempt the exam multiple times with the same institution listed as a Recognising Organisation, that institution will receive the corresponding TRFs and thus have some understanding of your history with the IELTS. These results are also available to them online if they subscribe to the IELTS Test Report Form Verification Service ( Institutions only have access to exams that identify them as a Recognising Organisation, although some of the literature makes clear that this ruling may be lifted under certain circumstance (i.e. investigation into instances of malpractice).

The link posted above to the IELTS Test Report Form Verification Service has details on what is and isn't available to subscribing institutions. For more information regarding candidate data collection and usage, read under "Your IELTS test result" and "How IELTS uses your information" on page three of this copy of the IELTS Application Form ( ... m_2014.pdf).

Re: do colleges know how many times I appeared?

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 1:57 pm
by steakpie
Ryan wrote:(If any of what I've written below is inaccurate or outdated, please kindly reply to this thread with your understanding/update.)

Hi guys,

A copy of the Test Report Form (the document containing your IELTS results) is sent to the institutions you listed when applying for the exam. These institutions are referred to as "Recognising Organisations" on the exam application form and in most IELTS literature. The TRF does not indicate the number of times you have taken the exam (I confirmed this with a quick call to the British Council); however, if you attempt the exam multiple times with the same institution listed as a Recognising Organisation, that institution will receive the corresponding TRFs and thus have some understanding of your history with the IELTS. These results are also available to them online if they subscribe to the IELTS Test Report Form Verification Service ( Institutions only have access to exams that identify them as a Recognising Organisation, although some of the literature makes clear that this ruling may be lifted under certain circumstance (i.e. investigation into instances of malpractice).

The link posted above to the IELTS Test Report Form Verification Service has details on what is and isn't available to subscribing institutions. For more information regarding candidate data collection and usage, read under "Your IELTS test result" and "How IELTS uses your information" on page three of this copy of the IELTS Application Form ( ... m_2014.pdf).

Hi Ryan,that seems accurate....thanks for your input :)

Re: do colleges know how many times I appeared?

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 9:42 pm
by dental
Hm... In Canada, they dont care how many times you take a test. Dont worry.
So, if you think about Canadian colleges, university even master & dortoral program, you can take a test for countless.

Best of luck!