First of all, I found amazing website of Ryan spontaneously on web when I was looking for strategies to improve my reading abilities, as a result, I found a vast source of interviews with former successful IELTS takers. Try it as it may open new doors to your success

For Speaking in which I got 6.5, please please do not get nervous

But good news is that you can enhance your score with just some easy suggestions:
- Try to find some good adjectives for nouns and adverbs for verbs you may use frequently for example for “ important” you can say :
Vitally important
Quite Important
Extremely important
Or for an event you may say, “I can still remember it “you can enhance your mark just by saying “I can still remember it vividly“or “I can still remember it as if it was yesterday“
- Try to face the question and think about it. The day before exam I surfed the net and I came across a good source of questions “www.ielts-mentor.com .“ It is rich in question sources but notice that answers are not all reliable as I found some mistakes in their answers. It is important to see the questions and try to make up an answer because I was askes for a meaningful conversation that I had, and I was not able to answer perfectly it if I did not see it before.
- Do not be afraid of using some typical expression because they might help you enhance your fluency and give you more time. You can use this technique especially in part II of speaking exam. For example when the card asks you :
Describe a happy event of your life
You should say:
• When it happened
• Where it happened
• What it was
You can say that “I can remember many happy events in my life but there is one event that stands out among them all & I still remember the moment vividly…….”
Regarding when it happened, I should say that ………..
As far as the place is concerned, I would have to say that………
- Try to listen to examiners voice and use his own grammar and pronunciations. It would help you much in your exam. If examiner asks you “Have you got any hobbies or interests?”, you should use present perfect tense in your answer.
- At last practice in front of a mirror, It really helps I have stammer it helped me with fluency. I never had a English speaker partner and this helped me a lot.
For writing section in which I got 7
- Reading carefully past essays is much more important than writing. It really helps you to come up with ideas and will expand your vocabulary. You will use it unconsciously in the exam.
- Try to make a scheme for your writing before writing itself I think hints of http://www.dcielts.com/ would help you with this section but be sure that you can put ideas in your plan.
- Use a reasonable range of grammar and make sure that you used some conditional “ if and unless” or wishes in your essay.
- In last week try to schedule your time when you are writing essays, I divide essays in three parts thinking about 2-5 minutes, writing 30 minutes for Task II and 15 minutes for Task I and 2-5 minutes for revising your essay
- Speed up your revising abilities. I found some silly mistakes in my essays in this part of my exam .
- At last I suggest you to read Academic Writing Practice for IELTS written by Sam McCarter
My score in Reading section was about 5 and 5.5 the day before exam and I was totally mad because I tried many ways but I could not get it

- First of all save match headings and end finding for last.
- Do not read or skim the passages go straight to the questions
- Do first question first and do questions in sequence as they appear in sequenc.
- When you found the answer to first question of each series of question you will find the others more quickly.
- When you are scanning and skimming look for exact words to omit an answer and look for the synonyms for the answers. For example if your keyword is “ important” if you found the word “ important in the text doubt about the answer and if you find “ …… plays essential roles in …… “ you might be sure about the answers.
- Do not stick with one question as it will cost you both time and mark. Leave it and come back at last.
- Do clock yourself before the exam it will helps you with time management.
- Find your own way of doing reading tests
These rules worked for me in just one-day maybe they work for you too

I scored 8 in listening and I was surprised not for getting high score but for getting such a low score. You can easily achieve a good mark in this section as it is a piece of pie

- Watch movies “ especially British ones”
- Watch news and take note of them. If you do this your hand and ear will reach a an amazing harmony. It will increase your abilities to write and listen simultaneously.
- Most of people lose marks after listening and just for some ridiculous reasons. Write the answer as it is requires for instance write first letter of names in capital or check out spelling and grammar. If you are asked to write one word write just one word and if you write more it will cost you a mark.
At last I wish best for you in your future career and if you had more questions I will be happy to share my experiences with you. Please do not hesitate to call me on skype: abdulsamifazli.
And if you succeed please share with others.