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Could you please correct my essay and provide feedback

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 3:44 pm
by fas_saf28
Question 27: Some people think that parents should teach children how to be good members of society. Others, however, believe that school is the place to learn this. Discuss both these view and give your own opinion.


Educating young children about moral values and righteous deeds is very essential. The idea of where this teaching should originate from is been a debatable topic. Some people support the idea that parents should teach their children to be good individuals in the society. However, this is refuted by others stating that educational institutes are the best place for teaching this to young students. This essay will outline both these points of view before a reasonable conclusion can be drawn.

On the one hand, some people hold the theory that parents should be the tutor in bringing up the child as a benevolent member to the community. Because, they feel that parents are the first teacher for children as they begin their first process in learning here. This is supported by the idea that early stages of Childs’ development are crucial. Thus, it is understandable why this point of view has garnered support.

On the contrary, it is felt by many that school is the best place for young children to learn about how to become good individuals of the country. To illustrate this, schools have several resources about real-life morale examples to teach their students. This is supported by the fact that schools have professional tutors, who could cater to an individual’s need and implement appropriate methodology for coaching. Therefore, it is apparent that why many gravitate towards this point of view.

After analyzing the above two points of view, for reasons related to more avenues as well as sophisticated methods to train young children, it is agreed that school is the best place for children to learn about how to develop themselves as a benevolent members of society. With no shadow of doubt, parents are the next best way for children to learn about this.