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Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 8:51 am
by bench
Topic: many offenders commit more crimes after serving the first punishment. why is this happening and what measures can be taken to tackle this problem?

It is true that an increasing number of criminals have re-engaged into more crimes even after they suffered from it. There are various reasons for this behaviour, however several solutions are seen to address this problem.

Most of the offenders have their own reasons for such behavior. One reason is that, most of them are being assigned to same cell. This allows them to mingle with other inmates and they might plan of merging with the same plot, to commit into more serious crime. Furthermore, being detained means a criminal record is certain. Tjis may cause trouble to offenders wish to land for employment. Nowadays, police clearance is a pre-requisite for most of the companies. If these companies traced about the crime commited, they basically decline the application. As a result, these offenders have no choice but to engage into crimes again.

However, there are several solutions to address thus issue. Firstly, the prison's management can organize wide range of livelihood training courses, focusing more on developing their skills such as painting, repairing different kinds of appliances, making creative thingd out of sratch materials and many more. These courses will divert their attention to more productive ways than taliking to their inmates about the crime they have committed. Furthermore, the trainings and skills they acquired in the prisonn can be of great help in starting a new life by engaging or building their own business. The income genetated from this can be utilize to meet their daily needs. Thus, they will no longer think of committing crimes, instead they will focus on how to expand their source of income in a positive ways.

In conclusion, there are various reasons to why offenders keep on repeating their mistakes, however there are solutions to address this problem.


Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 5:49 am
by Shreyas
you have included some solid points and examples! Nice! :)
May be introduction and conclusion need to be rewritten in structure specified by Ryan.


Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 4:14 pm
by bench
thanks for the feedback :)


Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 4:44 am
by sowmya
Nowadays teenagers do lots of crime and they have things very lightly.As the laws and rules are very flexible form one country to other people do more crime than correcting themselves after the punishment.
Firstly,people are not much serious.They feel if money is there we can come out of any problem.They feel money is the solution. People doesn't realize that they are doing a crime or a mistake.On comparing USA laws and Indian laws there lot of difference.USA laws are more strict than Indian law.So people do more crime as they thing they will be safe after committing the offense.Few of the crime where they can pay fine and escape.So they repeatedly do the same crime knowingly.People are more knowledgeable so they will find the way to escape from the hurdle.
Secondly, The measures that has to taken are there should be lot of awareness program should be conducted.Parents should educate there children.Government should take care of the policies to spread awareness program.Few the laws and punishment should be reformed.School and colleges should have an subject about the rules and regulation to follow.
Summing up as the awareness develops crimes can be controlled and stoped. For a good society knowledge is more important.So educate people they will spread good things to the world