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Please evaluate my essay

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 2:37 pm
by avenger
Question: Some people like to travel alone, while others think it is better to go together with someone. Discuss both views and include your opinion.

People travel different places for various purposes. Each of them enjoys their journey in different ways. Some like to have a trip alone while others prefer to go with partners. Both sides will be critiqued before a reasoned conclusion is found.

People who choose to travel alone, are more likely introvert individuals. They enjoy travelling without others company .It gives them opportunity to choose tour places according to their own interests. For instance, if someone makes a journey with a partner, the person needs to consider not only his own interest but his partner’s choice as well. Consequently, the person may have very limited options to choose which may ruin his journey.

On the other hand, those people who prefer to go with partners , are essentially extrovert personals. They love to move around by engaging partners with them. It also reduces their journey cost. For example , those who travel with partners, can divide whole travelling cost between each other. Thus, by dividing the expenses between them, people can make their journey within low budget compare to those who travel alone. Likewise, travelling with partner makes a journey tension free and safe. Being with partners, people do not have to worry about their baggage during the stoppage time of the journey. It can provide them many opportunities to do, such as, going wash room while their partners are taking care of their belongings.

After analysing both points of view, it is believed that journey with partner is more economical and safe compare to travelling alone. It is felt that majority of the people will prefer to make their journey with their partners.

Re: Please evaluate my essay

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 10:46 am
by avenger
Any feedback?????