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GT Letter to a friend

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 2:03 am
by prathap
Last weekend you were at your friends house and you forgot your watch somewhere at their house.

Write a letter to thank him
Tell him that you forgot your watch at his house.
write other things you want to tell him

Dear Anusha,

I hope you have recovered from our memorable and fun days at your house and started concentrating on your final year exams.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and your mummy for providing a pleasant hosting during my recent trip to Bangalore. I would ever and never forget the delicious tasty food items served to me. Convey my special thanks to your mummy.

I forgot my watch at your home while i was in hurry to catch my flight. I think i kept it on the computer table at the room where i stayed. I have inherited that watch from my grandfather and have lot of sentimental attachment. Both the strap and front face of the watch is made up of gold and it is brand of "Titan".

It would be great if could send it to me through courier. I am happy to transfer courier charges to your account. I have enclosed my address details for your reference.

See you soon and all the best for your exams. Thank you once again !

Yours lovingly,