Please evaluate task 2 essay

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Please evaluate task 2 essay

Post by jacobkumar231 »

In some countries children have strict rules of behaviour,while in other countries they are allowed to do almost anything they want.
To what extent should children have to follow rules?
give reasons for your answer abd include any relavant examples from your open knowledge or experience

Children have strict rules of behavior in some countries since dawn of time.Throughout the history,Children follow tough rules to acquire rewarding knowledge and carrer while in other countries they are allowed to behave as they like.The issue whether or not children should follow rules is always a debatable point.Strong arguments are there from both the sides and let us discuss in a detailed way.

Firstly,children follow strict rules of behaviour to learn discipline in life which is necessary to get good knowledge in studies and optimal carrer. An instance that will be demonstrating this in action is,I always followed tough rules like wake up early in the morning,practice lessons and those activities really embodied to get commend over studies during my school days.In addition to this,Parents ordered kids to bath early in the morning,wear formal dresses,wish the elders to learn merit behavior.For instance,my friend shyam was allowed to do what ever he want in his childhood and did not have decent culture.So it was proven that,following strict rules acts as a precursor to become a decent citizen.

There is other side of coin always.Parents or teachers tortured kids to follow strict rules and it effects kids both physically and mentally.For example,I read many times in newspapers that children committed suicides as they were unable to follow strict rules.Besides,children should be allowed to learn society on their own without putting restrictions.for example,recent survey declared that children who have freedom always fortify children mentally.

In conclusion,I prefer to impose rules on children up to some extent to become good citizens of society and same time parents should give freedom too.
Johnson zhang
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Re: Please evaluate task 2 essay

Post by Johnson zhang »

In some countries children have strict rules of behaviour,while in other countries they are allowed to do almost anything they want.

To what extent should children have to follow rules?
give reasons for your answer abd include any relavant examples from your open knowledge or experience

Adolescents are always told or yelled at to behave well and instructed to follow common rules. The degree of tolerance on their behaviour varies significantly from country to country and culture to culture.
I think children should be taught to distinguish the difference between right and wrong and follow what the right thing to do is. There are at least two reasons to support this opinion.

Firstly, children should not blindly obey rules from parents or schools. It is because unconditional conformity to social norms has its demerits. For example, I had close fellow mates who loved to practise martial arts but had to follow what their parents thought was the best for them. In their cases, they gave up their interests and burdened themselves with exam-important school subjects. I strongly believe had they followed their passion, they might have had a much happier teenage-hood. Therefore, 'listening to parents','do what you are told to do', these rules are often formed with narrow views and filled with opinionated biases and should not be followed unconditionally.

Secondly, the immature minds of future need to be encouraged to think critically and behave acceptably in their own way. This leads to an entirely personal opinion; rules should be abandoned and only boundaries are needed. Rules are guidance resulted from a collection of unpleasant experience. However, independent and critical thinking could well avoid one's poor experience and behaviour. Therefore, children should respect rules but need to expose themselves to a far more crucial tool in life - critical thinking; start to practise making the right judgement call as early as possible.

In summary, young adults have rules to follow. However, they could choose to not follow if they no longer wish to do so as long as it is not illegal. In addition, to guide kids growing a common sense sometimes is far useful to eliminate poor teen behaviour than implementing strict rules.
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