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Watching TV( please leave feedback)

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 2:44 pm
by Aditi
please leave your valueable feedback,

Children today spend more time watching television than they did in the past. Describe some advantages and disadvantages of television for children.

In today’s world, children have enormous option to enjoy their leisure time. Some children prefer to read books, while others watch different programs in television. Many people argue that children that watch television excessively are vulnerable towards their studies and health; others, however, disagrees. This essay will analyse both merits and demerits of television for younger people.

On the one hand, television acts as an avenue for academic success. For example, television these days broadcast different educational content, such as geography, history and current affairs of the world. When kids watch these programs they accumulate several ideas and information that catalyses their performance at school. From this it is quite evident that watching television brings several benefits.

On the other hand, children that spend excessive amount of time in front of television are precursor to physical declination. It is scientifically proven that people who stare at television for several hours are vulnerable to bad eyesight problems. Furthermore, these children lack physical outdoor activities, like playing football, badminton and cricket that are essential to maintain fitness of our body. Also, as a result of watching programs for long hours, they are victims of problems such as obese and lazy. It is therefore clear that spending numbers of hour in front of TV screen has negative ramifications.

To conclude, after analysing it seems that children that spend hours watching television hold both positive and negative sides for their overall development. Thus, it is recommended that parents constantly monitor their children’s behaviour and attitude, and encourage them towards various recreational activities.

Re: Watching TV( please leave feedback)

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 4:29 pm
by durai
In today’s world, children have enormous options different ways to enjoy their leisure time. Some of them try to use pronouns, it gives more coherence prefer to read books, remove comma, basic mistake of complex structure, use comma if you start the sentence with " while", otherwise no comma in the middlewhile others watch different programs in television. Many people argue that children whoexcessively watch television have serious drawbacks, others believe it has significant benefits. Thereforethis essay will analyse both merits and demerits of watching television by young people

On the one hand, television acts as an avenue for academic success. For example, television these days broadcasts different educational contents, such as geography, history and current affairs of the world. When kids watch these programs they accumulate several ideas and information that catalyses their performance at school. this sentence lacks clarity " When children watch these various programs they are able to expand their horizons of knowledge and therevby improve their academic performance. From this it is quite evident that watching television brings several benefits. here you said several benefits but you mentioned only one, so for question like this try to make listing paragraph and give at least 3 of them with short description of each

On the other hand, children that spend excessive amount of time in front of television are precursor to physical declination. reword to : The main disadvantage is children lead a sedentary lifestyle when they watch too much televisionIn addition, it is scientifically proven that people who sit in front of television for several hours are vulnerable to bad eyesight problems. Furthermore, these children lack physical outdoor activities, like playing football, badminton and cricket that are essential to maintain their immunity. Also, as a result of watching programs for long hours, they are victims of problems such as obese and lazy. It is therefore clear that spending number of hours in front of TV screen has negative ramifications ( not sure of this word) use - substantial drawbacks.

From this essay it can be concluded that children who spend many hours in front of television have both positive and negative effects for their overall development. Thus, it is recommended that parents should constantly monitor their children’s doings and encourage them to take physical activities.

the above is only my suggestion , I may be wrong at some areas...

Re: Watching TV( please leave feedback)

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 4:37 pm
by prathap
my writing for the same essay. Please review and provide inputs

In recent years, many children are spending their leisure time by watching different programs on either television or computer. This essay will discuss the impact of television on school goers on both positive and negative sides.

one the one hand, no one denies that the television plays a prominent role to gain knowledge on wide range of concepts. Children can watch varieties of channels such as animal planet, scientific and mathematical channels which could help them to sharpen their skills on their favorite subjects and make them to achieve their desired
grades. For instance, my daughter won several awards on cracking puzzles since she gained tremendous amount of information by watching puzzle solving serials on television or internet.

On the other hand, there are considerable number of disadvantages by following television for longer times.First and foremost, the impact on the children eye sight.Many doctors and researchers proved that the excessive watching of television would lead to sever eye problems. Secondly, Sitting more and more time in-front of
television makes a person lazy and may lead to loose physical fitness. Therefore, children may end-up having visibility issues along with obesity.

In conclusion, every coin has two faces, television is not exempt from that. Though there are many advantages with television, watching it for hours and hours could bring potential dangers which may impact severely on our health. Parents should guide the children to spend minimal amount of time with television and encourage them to concentrate on other activities as well.