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IELTS exam questions 20.09.2014 (GT & AC) in APAC

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 1:01 pm
by mrmacarong
Dear all

Here are the answers that i can remember for IELTS exam (academic) 20.09.2014 ACPC
Please post your answers, especially in reading test.
Thank you

Listening (maybe not in order)

1 B ( she is an example
2 B (size of room)
3 A (3:15pm)
4 A(full)
5 D(another activity at evening)
6 B(expensive)
7 compose themselves
8 $ 85
9 Sat 7th Sep
10 Curtis

11 B
12 C
13 C(how to get in..... using newspaper...)
14 A
15 B or C (see a business man who received awards of skiing/ special offer. im not sure)
16 B (choose skiing boot)
17 D (choose destinations)
18 A
19 G (how to improve safety)
20 C (other sports and skiing)

21 professional learning (title)
22 team (part of a team)
23 presenting results (a skill)
24 diary
25 simulations (classroom simulations)
26 behaviors (behaviours of pupils)
27 video recording
28 test results (analysing)
29 local resources
30 the internet (using....)

31 CO2 (less carbon-dioxide than urban areas)
32 community (the community in urban areas is more friendly)
33 forests (some ... would recover)
34 rubbish (recycling... gas from...)
35 promotions (gain promotions at work)
36 cultures (loss of cultures)
37 crime (higher crime rate)
38 environment (the poor quality of the environment)
39 activities (increased activities in population)
40 traffic (daily traffic stressful)

Reading (academic)

passage 1 (historical research)
1 person 1 (history research & human nature)
2 person 2
3 person 3 (experience the past
4 person 4
5 change (series of events.... process of a...)
6 ?
7 decline (increase ends in a...)
8 identify
9 tolerance/peace
10 conflicts
11 a kind of desease (suffer from...)
12 evidences
13 ?

passage 2 (language)
14 Yes (2 contributions of direct and indirect)
15 Notgiven (there is no director reminded in text)
16 No (not all companies required ...)
17 Notgiven (english dominated... there no thing estimating it is the most popular)
18 Notgiven (companies give their staff traning)
19 Yes (travellers may be required something)
20 levels of proficiency (what levels of language....)
21 firms ( who are generally clients first contacted...)
22 shipping industry ( which inductry requiring languge...)
23 negotiations ( which activities of business ...)
24 D (trustworthiness)
25 B (accuracy delivery of information)
26 C (sensible)

passage 3
27 ?
28 ?
29 ?
30 ?
31 ?
32 ?
33 2008 study show neither online.....nor....
34 2009 study show brain of lonely people ... when see images....)
35 in fifth passage, website provide user .... without effort to gain
36 arcording to writer, lonely people feel satisfication
37 No
38 Not given
39 No
40 yes

Re: IELTS exam questions 20.09.2014 (GT & AC) in APAC

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 12:56 am
by eddy22
You got amazing memory. But how sure are you about your listening answers?

Re: IELTS exam questions 20.09.2014 (GT & AC) in APAC

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 2:21 am
by Pham
I forgot to use the plural form of some answers. Eg."presenting results", " behaviours of pupils", "test results", "forests" :((
And I think question#9, the date she can start the class is 14th.

Re: IELTS exam questions 20.09.2014 (GT & AC) in APAC

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 2:29 am
by mrmacarong
hi all

how about your answers. how many % yours are the same as mine?

Re: IELTS exam questions 20.09.2014 (GT & AC) in APAC

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 7:31 am
by sinister_rock
Listening answers ( 20th Sept - APAC)
Answers are not in order

1. B (good example -role model)
2. B (size of room)
3. C (4:45pm- quarter to 5)

4. A (Dance classes Classes are full)
5. D (Have another activity in the evening)
6. B (too epensive)

7. compose themselves
8. 85
9. 7 September
10. Curtis

11. A (Comfortable)
12. B 
13. C (how to enter - through newspaper)
14. B 
15. C (Special offers)

16. G (how to be safe)
17. B (Skiing boots)
18. A (choose destinations)
19. E 
20. C (new activities with Skiing)

21. Professional Learning
22. team

23. behaviour
24. diary
25. simulation
26. presenting results
27. test results
28. approach
29. interviews

31. carbon (less ....than non urban)
32. Crime (I guess this answer was somewhere between question 36 to 40)
33. land (...would recover)
34. buses (....environmentally friendly)
35. rubbish (energy from ...)

36. promotion
37. culture (loss of ...)
38. air (more polluted ....)
39. wealth (increase in population)
40. traffic (daily .....stressful)

Re: IELTS exam questions 20.09.2014 (GT & AC) in APAC

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 11:30 am
by rituraj
Different questions were asked in uk..anyone from uk who took ielts yesterday?

Re: IELTS exam questions 20.09.2014 (GT & AC) in APAC

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 11:49 am
by mr_masry
Anyone here from Egypt or even the Middle east who can check the listening answers with me ?

Re: IELTS exam questions 20.09.2014 (GT & AC) in APAC

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 4:19 pm
by 1925
thinking of taking again on 18 Oct 2014.
I appeared last 20 Sept BC Singapore and these are questions that i could remember was asked though is not really accurate.

General Training


Task 1

Last weekend you were at your friends house and you forgot your watch somewhere at their house.

Write a letter to thank him
Tell him that you forgot your watch at his house.
write other things you want to tell him

Task 2

Should Parents encourage their Children to play outdoor sports instead of Computer games?

Do you agree or Disagree?

BC Singapore

- Your full name pls?
-where are you from?
- do you work or study?
-What do you do at work?
- Lets talk about MAPS, how often do you used it?
-Which MAPS do you prefer( Paper Maps or Online Maps)? why?
Task 2

-Do you celebrate BDays in your country?
-Why do u think its important?
-how did you spent your last bday?

Task 3

Do u think that TOURISM is important? Why?
Which place do you recommend for a foreigner to spent the holidays? why?
What country should you recommend to your relatives to spent holidays outside your country and why?

another questions:

Which place you want to visit soon and why?
How long would you be staying at the place?
and when will it be?


Listening, was really a difficult one. almost everyone was worried about it even those who got band 8 for 3 times was also complaining about it. What more for a 1st taker like me:)


Is about set Advertisement catalogs then a questions is asked and locate which ads catalog it fits.
Sheep's ( animal) studies

Hope it Helps!!!