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please your feedback

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 11:54 am
in some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies.
discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who to do this

some countries promote the youth to spend a year in traveling, after secondary and before university.In this easy, we discuss the positive and negative point of this topic.
It is important for the student to do these activities because they will learn the different culture of different places and will meat with different type of people, they will learn how to deal with these people. later in their practical life this experience will very benifical for them they will know how to tackle different type of people in different situation.In Pakistan different school,like st: bonaventure , they arrange these type of tour which pushes their confident .
These type of trips have disadvantageous effect on the future of the student in some places, in that period of time they loses their attention from their studies, after a year they will need a time to regained their focus in their studies which distrub them alot.Another point is that it will be difficult for poor student to give year for useless activities, if they do so they will suffer because after a their graduation they have to support their families.
so in the nutshell every thing has advantages and drawback, it depend on our priorities and condition that we are able absorb these drawback.

Re: please your feedback

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 11:35 am
by Caleb
Yeah i guess that is a bother.I don't exactly know how it should be discussed here but majority of the times what we get to see is the things which are there and at the same time knowing the factors that i find most of the times is cool enough.