Seeking for feedback on Task exam is on Oct 11th

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Seeking for feedback on Task exam is on Oct 11th

Post by charliedang »

Some people think that parents should teach children how to be good members of society. Others, however, believe that school is the place to learn this.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


A developed society consists of many active and dedicated individuals, who obey the rules and share their value. Hence, bringing up good members of society plays an important role in developing the community. Some people think that those life skills should be learned in the home, whilst others insist on the school's responsibility for children education. In my opinion, the mission of developing good character is interactive between parents and schools.

First of all, there is no doubt that parents are first teachers teaching their children about what is the meaning of life, and the way they should behave to meet the society's expectations. This will help building a strong base for developing good character when the children grow up. For instance, at the young ages of life, if a child is taught to respect others' speech, they will later apply this character in learning process by listening more to different ideas and understanding various perspectives. Thus, home education must not be skipped in training children's personality.

However, parents alone are not able to decide how the children will behave without the assistance of schools. Once the children go to school, they are exposed to a wider community where the parents do not have the control of it. At this stage, the school has as much influence as the home. In the school, children tend to follow their peers on what they do and how they behave. And these usually have negative impacts on the children character if the school does not have a strict policy and an appropriate way of management.

Personally, I believe in working together between the school and parents, as there is no isolated ways of keeping control on children's behavior when we are living an interactive and mutual affected society. In other words, parents need to keep in touch with the school by telephone and mails in order to keep track of their children and act correspondingly if problems come up.
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