I scored 8.5 in the IELTS test, allow me to share

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I scored 8.5 in the IELTS test, allow me to share

Post by Hongsheng »

Hi guys, My name is Hongsheng, and I scored 8.5 in the IELTS test on November 9th,2013. Thanks to the brilliant Ebook written by Ryan, I was finally able to get 7.5 in the writing module (I was never able to get 6.5 before:). The other marks are : Listening 9.0 , Reading 9.0 and Speaking 8.5

Ryan asked me to write something about my IELTS 'success', well, it was my honor to be here and share some of the tricks I've learned and hopefully they might be of some help to you guys :)

It's not really that hard to score well in the Listening and Reading section, it's basically just about answering the questions according to the material provided, either through audio or written form. Now what really matters here is to be extremely cautious about the tiny little details. Think about it, guys, each and every single question in the listening and reading section is about details. You may not grasp the whole picture, in fact, you might as well just focus on getting the questions right without actually understanding what is going on.

Still following me? :), anyway, my point is : with listening and reading, the ideal solution is to focus on the small stuff. This means you have to reading the questions thoroughly in advance before dealing with the test materials (audio and visual).

When it comes to Writing, my advice is : FOLLOW RYAN's instructions!! Realistically, it's only sensible to memorize a proven and tested essay structure for the IELTS writing module, since there is this excruciating time constraint.

Finally, it comes to the fun part of the IELTS test, the speaking. Now this is what you should bear in mind : It's not what you said that are being tested, it is how you say it that really matters. When I was sitting through the IELTS interview, my answers were full of redundant words, for example " Interesting question, I am not sure how to address this problem, perheps we could ....bla bla bla..... :) It doesn't really matter if your answer is some kind of cliche, you don't have to come up with any brilliant ideas. In fact, as long as your answer is 'remotely' related to the question, it should be fine.

Anyway, I am still quite new with this IELTS test, and I still have a huge pressure going on since I need to score 8.0 in the writing as well. May God and Lucifer bless my soul.

Best of luck, guys~, Let's work together, ace this single most evil exam on the planet :)
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Re: I scored 8.5 in the IELTS test, allow me to share

Post by Ryan »

Hongsheng wrote:
...this single most evil exam on the planet :)
I don't think I've heard anyone describe the IELTS more accurately. :D For most, IELTS preparation is painful, but that's exactly what makes IELTS victory so much sweeter.

Hongsheng, that is a great account of your tips. I found this particularly insightful:
Hongsheng wrote:
It's not what you say that is being tested, it is how you say it that really matters.
How can anyone argue with a guy that scored 8.5 in speaking?

For those that haven't tuned into my interview with Hongsheng, listen to more of his terrific advice here:

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Re: I scored 8.5 in the IELTS test, allow me to share

Post by myplace2100 »

It's second time i got 5.5 in speaking only, which is not expected.As i am a non-native speaker so mixing up complex ideas not coming up at the time of exam as i have to follow through task response, grammar....So what you suggest me so that i can venture towards my aim successfully. Concisely speaking i am practicing a lot from different websites as well as podcasts

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Re: I scored 8.5 in the IELTS test, allow me to share

Post by rizwan149 »

@ Hongsheng

I am looking to practice speaking part of IELTS as i feel, i am a bit hesitant in speaking. Please add me on skype: rizwan_149
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