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Ielts 6 sept 2014 academic singapore

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 6:19 am
by Faith
Hey all

Just wondering what did you guys write for the writing task?
The question was something about as cities grow.. So do their problems.
What are the problems faced by young people?
How do we solve these problems?

Re: Ielts 6 sept 2014 academic singapore

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 12:22 pm
by lenvasq89
well, basically, i focused on the problems of youth while living in the city. so i answered, from different perspective like health, financial and personal relationships. my answer for the solution was disorganized though.

my problem is that im not sure if i was able to stick with the question because i felt that i answered re: the problems of the youth living in the city and not the problems of the youth because of the growing cities. what do you think? how about you? what were your answers?

Re: Ielts 6 sept 2014 academic singapore

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 12:54 pm
by Faith
Same here. =( although the question seems straight forward...not too sure if i was fully answering the question too.

Hmmm. i was already very disorganised even when i was writing about the problems faced by young people.
anyway i just gave 1 problem..2 solutions and another 1 problem... and 2 solutions.. hmmm.
i wrote about how the young people are finding it hard to enter uni... and how it is difficult to travel within the cities .... crap. they wanted young people... so not really sure. fingers crossed * :roll:

Re: Ielts 6 sept 2014 academic singapore

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 1:16 pm
by holymanbinny
Hai , guys could you post your essay it will help us to get guided.thanks

Re: Ielts 6 sept 2014 academic singapore

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 1:56 pm
by asrizefanya
Agree.. so I made up a problem like unemployment, and degrading moral hahaha
finger cross :D

Re: Ielts 6 sept 2014 academic singapore

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 2:13 pm
by Faith
i need a freaking band 7. =( for each of the components... soooo pleasseeeeeeeeeee