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Please review my letters and essays (Appearing for GT test)

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2014 11:18 am
by venkstar
All, please review my essays and letters. I am going to appear for a GT Test in 2 weeks.
A. Task 1 Letter - You are looking for a job and you need a referee - Write a letter to your previous boss in your letter - Introduce yourself and the joe you are applying for, Ask your boss to be your referred or suggest another referee, describe the work you did together in the past
Dear Mr. Basu,

I am VVH who worked in your team at XYZ Corp in the Group Treasury Division. In the division, i worked as a Forex Dealer from 2006 to 2014.
I am writing to you as I am now applying for suitable openings as a Senior Forex Dealer in the Treasury Departments of other companies in order to further my career path. In that regard, i am requesting you kindly to give your reference should a prospective employer enquire about me or my experience and work done in XYZ Corp Treasury division. I would like to bring to your kind attention on the work that we did in the past while working in the department briefly as under -
1. Booked forex rates for the purpose of hedging foreign currency explore of group companies as per the company Risk Management Policy.
2. Traded in G7 Currencies to generate income for the companies as per the Internal trading policy of the division.
3.Generated Market Reports on Trends and Developments in Financial Markets for the benefit of Management of the Group Companies.

I trust i can hear back from you to accord me permission to quote your name as a Referee for the various jobs i am applying for. I am also enclosing my Resume for your kind perusal. I thank you for your support in this matter.

Kind Regards

B.Task 2 - Many parents these days are sending their teenage children to another country to continue their education. What are the advantages and disadvantages for the child's family of doing this ?
Sending teenage children abroad for education has some positives, but i feel that there may be more negatives in doing so. The biggest one being financial difficulties that may emerge upon the Childs family due to the high cost of education and cost of living in countries like Britain and USA. The quality of education in Western Countries as compared to the home countries is what makes parents send their teenage children abroad. Many parents also believe that the degree obtained after graduation helps in securing a well paying job in a reputed company either in the foreign country or in the child's home country and the child can recoup the expenses they have spent further.

Secondly, many parents believe, the child learns to be independent and can learn essential personality and human skills to deal with many situations in life, which may not be learnt had the child been at a college back home. For eg- the child learns basic skills of cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, spending from a limited pocket money while being stationed in the University campus abroad.
While the above advantages are present, there would be some drawbacks of sending ones child abroad. Firstly, the prohibiting cost of tuition fees and living expenses in places like North America and Europe could strain some middle class families and some even borrow money for this purpose apart form dipping into their savings. This could be disastrous for the child's family who has borrowed money if their child doesn't secure a job during times such as recessions as was witnessed in North America and Europe in the 2008 economic crisis.

Education of young children in colleges and universities in foreign countries gives the child's family the confidence to secure a better future for their child in terms of an established carer, well rounded development of the child and a better financial independence as a person despite its cost prohibitions.

C. GT Task 2
There are many stages to life, for example:childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, and middle age. Choose one that you consider is the most difficult for men, and one for women. It may be the same one
In this essay, i will discuss on one life stage for Men and Women that is difficult. According to me, Men undergo a difficult life phase during their Middle years of life while for women, it is during their adolescence years.

Men are born as boys and spend the first 10 years of their childhood with love and freedom from their parents, siblings and friends. They are allowed to be mischievous, naughty and active and their tendering and care is always encouraged on moulding their mind and body with emphasis on strength and intelligence. This goes on until their adolescence years until after they have graduated from college and gotten married. A few years after marriage men also enjoy benefits of young adulthood while focussing on their careers and their relationships. Once men move into their middle ages, especially between the age group of 30 to 50 a man becomes less stronger and starts developing health issues and also tends to become less agile. This condition has a strong impact on men. For example, men may not be as active in sports as they were in their youth, or may not lift heavy grocery bags while they are out shopping like they did when they were younger. Some men also put on weight around the belly and start greying or start receding their hair line. From a personality respective this is hard for men to accept. Women suddenly stop admiring men for their strength and good looks and this lack of attention impacts men psychologically as they believe they will never go back looking the same way or feeling as strong as earlier.

For women, a similar phase is experienced at adolescence in the age group of 13-18. Till they are 12 years, girls and boys are treated more or less equally. Once a girl turns 13 and undergoes change in her body during the stage of puberty her mental and physical appearance becomes more self conscious. The society and and her family too treat them differently. This is especially true in Asian countries where parents of adolescent girls become more stricter and impose rules on their social habits. For instance, young woman in India are not allowed to dress appropriately according to the culture that the family comes from.

Such a transformation on young women are far more impactful and the restrictions imposed by their parents and society during this life stage impede their own personalities or tastes or preference which may be opposite to those imposing the restrictions on them. Women tend to get more rebellious and non conformist. They also have to deal with attraction from the opposite sex whether it is wanted or unwanted.

In conclusion, i feel while life for men and women tends to become challenging and difficult at most stages, the most difficult life phase for men will always be around middle age and for women around adolescence.

D) GT Task 1
There is a public park near where you live. You have heard that th local consul wants to sell this park. Write a letter to a local newspaper. In your letter: Introduce yourself, Describe the importance of the park, Say what action you will take if the council continues with its plan

To the editor

My name is VVH and i am a resident of the Santa Cruz suburb of Mumbai. Amongst many amenities in this suburb, it has one of the largest public parks called Nehru Park.

We received a communication from the local council backed by a local announcement in the newspaper that the city wants to sell Nehru Park to a developer. This is quite a distressing development as the park has been an important feature of our neighbourhood for the last 50 years. The park has been used by residents of the neighbourhood comprising of young children, men, women and senior citizens for various activities like exercise, fun and sports.

As there are no large playgrounds in the neighbourhood, young children have no where to go to play Cricket and Football. The circular track around the park is used by many people for walking and jogging. If this park is sold to a developer there is no guarantee that the facilities in the park will remain and our children and adults will not have access to the above facilities. The developer may even charge an Entry fee.
We in the neighbourhood, have started a signature campaign and have also filed a petition with the local council opposing the sale. We have also started a website called to publicise our plans and efforts .Users can come and also sing up on the Online Signature Campaign to lend their support to our cause.

Through this letter, i request your readers to take cognisance of our campaign and appeal to them to join us by supporting our cause by signing up against the sale through our website listed above.

We thank you for your support

Yours Sincerely

Re: Please review my letters and essays (Appearing for GT te

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 10:35 am
by saqibali
Send me your skype address in inbox.I will rewrite this from start.Watching my thought process would help you write qualitatively.