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Is it good to reappear in IELTS exam to get 7 band in each?

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 4:19 am
by ieltsexpert
Is it good to reappear in IELTS exam to get 7 band in each?

reappear in ielts exam I get many candidates on daily basis who as have appeared many times to get their desired band which is 7 for most and 8 for least but they do not get it. They ask me if they should appear again and if it would help them get desired score. I always recommend to improve weak areas before they book any exam which could be done in certain ways.

You could search for website which offers free essay marking. It will help you identify weak areas in your writing .Carry plenty practice and improve them, if website gives comments , mark them and work on them.

Second approach is to hire a tutor who is experienced in IELTS marking scheme specially writing. As i discussed earlier in my posts that getting 7 band requires good “TR and CC” skills which candidates normally don’t understand. Let me give you good example of a candidate who got 7.5 band recently in Australia. He gave IELTS test more than 4 times and got 6.0 or 6.5 maximum and he got worried. He approached me online and took classes in which i worked on his “Task Response ” and “Cohesion and Coherence”. I made him write essay on first day in which i identified his weak areas and helped him improve them. I asked him to write second essay without previous mistakes, he then produced essay with less mistakes which were not related to previous. Anyways further 3 classes improved his all weak areas.That doesn’t mean he didn’t make mistakes. He had some grammatical and other problems.I simply worked on areas which could improve his band score.

Third approach will be doing self preparation which is effective if your English is very good and you are aware of marking scheme of writing module. As it is a bit technical and time consuming to understand what exactly examiner checks to give certain band score for each criteria. If you think you have understood it by going through examiner comments or other sources by internet then go for it yourself. But keep in mind that majority of people are not able to help themselves.

So be wise and see which of above suggestions suit you. Go for it and improve you band than just thinking and taking wrong directions which will waste your time and money.

By Mohammad Alam