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What is TR in writing task 2 essay/?

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 4:15 am
by ieltsexpert
WHAT IS "CC" in writing marking scheme??

It means Cohesion and Coherence. It is a writing skills for which is checked by IELTS examiner. Candidates get 25 percent marks out of 100 percent.

in this examiner checks whether all paragraphs in introduction, body and conclusion match with the question. If some match or none marks will be given accordingly. what some candidates do is write good introduction ideas wise but they do not match with the question or sometimes in the body partially they discuss like 40 percent and rest of content is not related to the topic. Similarly nothing in the body is discussed related to question but only conclusion. That will be useless, as conclusion is based on the body.

other part of this skill is coherence which examiner checks is focusing on signposting and logical connection in sentences. means giving them good order with good signposting words to make content easy for the reader to read..


Re: What is TR in writing task 2 essay/?

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 5:25 am
by petryworn
TR means task response - the IELTS examiner will check if you were able to finish the tasks being asked in the test. The tasks include how your letter is being written or how your essay is being presented.

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