academic task 1

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academic task 1

Post by ada102315 »

Please estimate the possible score as i need to know how much i have to reach.
Also, i would really hope that you can give me some guidelines about how to improve as i am about to take my first ielts test. I can actually feel my english getting worst due to nervousness. :(
Thank you for your help.

The bar chart demonstrated the development of housing prices of five particular cities in a time frame of 12 years, between 1990 and 2002.

First, overall depreciation of property value can be observed in the period of 1990-1995, with the exception of slight increases in Madrid and Frankfurt. Tokyo and London tied as the countries that had the largest amount of decrease , which is in the approximation of 7%.

However, in the time of 1996-2002, inflationary alterations of housing cost appeared generally. Subtle rises can be seen in cities like Madrid, Frankfurt and Tokyo, whilst London and New York experienced significant boost with the percentage increase no lower than 10%.

Interestingly, the degree of fluctuation in housing prices can be appropriate described as in positive relation to the level of the location’s prosperity. In another word, the more the city developed, the likely the price change dramatically. The aforementioned data is adequately, the statistical support of such claim, in developed cities,which were New York and London, had been through upheaval of property price in both 1990-1995 and 1996-2002. On the other hand, developing cities in the likes of Madrid and Frankfurt, enjoyed a more stable market, with a percentage change of less than 2% in the whole examined period.

In conclusion, hosuing prices fell in the first half of 1990-2002 and rose in the second half. Also, poverty values were largely related to the degree of citiy’s development.
The data
The data
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