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[Exam Questions] 2014.08.02

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 3:36 am
by jimmy ielts
Hi all,

Today's exam questions are here. For more updates visit

If you have more accurate information, please comment below.

---- Writing APAC ----
Academic WT1
• (Bar) Two bar charts, from 1980 and 2010, about figures on worker ratio of Agricultural, Industrial, and Services sectors in Germany, USA, Japan, and China.

(Waiting for drawing, please draw if you can)

Academic WT2
• In many parts of the world, children and teenagers are committing more crimes. Why is this happening? How should they be punished?

General WT1
• You recently stayed at a hotel for the first time, and one of the staff was very helpful. Write a letter to the manager there and say:
- What happened
- Why you had a good time there
- What you want the manager to do

General WT2
• Some people say that the Olympic Games no longer have a role to play in the 21st century. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

---- Writing MEI/EU ----
Academic WT1
• (Bar) Two bar charts about digital and traditional advertisements chosen by small Australian businesses in 2009.

photo by Ozhan (thanks!)

Academic WT2
• Some people say that criminals should be punished immediately for the crimes they commit, while others believe they shouldn't punished right away. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

General WT1
• You've lost your school's certificate in a foreign country. Write a letter to your school's principal to ask for a new one.

General WT2
• Dangerous Sports should be banned. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

---- Listening APAC ----
1. Booking of dancing lessons
• A-rapido (for beginners )
• B-booster (partner)
• C-freestyle (student accounts always available)
• B-booster (teachers from Latin America)
• Rhys
• 18 June
• phone book
• A (leather shoes)
• C (30-39)
• B (learn quickly)

2. How to save petrol
• natural gas (buses can be altered to use ...)
• heavy (buy small engine cars, as their fuel consumption won't be as ...)
• 3 (minimum ... people or adults required to use the lane)
• Tuesdays (buy fuel on ... to save money)
• warm up (don't need to ... the engines before starting to drive)
• oil filter (need to clean the ... regularly)
• closed (leave the windows ...)
• empty (keep trunk or boot ...)
• standard (fuel option: ...)
• smooth roads (should try to drive on ... as much as possible)

3. Research about children who are driven to school by their parents
• C (the main idea of the paper = why obesity increases)
• E (why care about exercise instead of diet = less is know about exercise)
• B (parents driving children to and from school leads to = the increase of two-car families)
• ? (the professor's view = )
• not knowing where to start (problem met by early researchers = ...)
• similar age (two criteria for child test subjects of the study)
• varying height and weight (two criteria for child test subjects of the study)
• more sports activities (hoping to discover ... from students who walk to school)
• less obesity (hoping to discover ... from students who walk to school)

4. behaviour economics and conversation; how to save energy
• rationally (behaviour is to think ...)
• willing
• instinct (traditional studies rely on ...)
• financial (... saving benefits)
• technology (... might be an efficient way)
• reward (people want a ...)
• boiler (government should spend money on replacing old ...)
• neighbours
• increase (unexpected ...)

---- Reading APAC ----
1. The history of pencils
• tree
• rope
• mines
• sheep
• T (Italy is the first country to make pencil using wood)
• NG (Germans used various types of wood to make pencils)
• T (Pencil was used during the first American space expedition)
• F (The industrial is going to disappear quickly)
• T (The British government is protecting graphite mines)

2. Parrots of Australia
• to adapt to diets (why are there so many species of parrots)
• they have the same ancestor in one continent, which later split (why are there so many parrot species in the southern hemisphere)
• a score
• K (name starting with K...)
• John Gxx

3. Research into children's literature
• boundaries (the author is concerned about ...)
• subjects are too broad (why it is difficult to research children's literature)
• let children take adults to play games (how to improve the creation of children's literature)
• often too much educational content (the problem with children's literature)
• can provide images
• C-to summarise the problems and propose solutions (the purpose of the article)

Re: [Exam Questions] 2014.08.02

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 3:43 am
by yadgayan
grate job

Re: [Exam Questions] 2014.08.02

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 4:41 am
by Mila
You are the BEST!

Re: [Exam Questions] 2014.08.02

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 7:40 am
by Ryan
A great account as always, Jimmy. Thanks for sharing!

Re: [Exam Questions] 2014.08.02

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 3:20 pm
by anu4
Hi, I've taken IELTS - General Module today and following were the questions. (I'm from Sri Lanka)

Writing task 1
You've lost your certificate in a foreign country,Write a letter to that college principal.

Writing task 2
Dangerous Sports should be banned.Do you agree or disagree,Discuss.

Was OK

1st and 2nd alright!
3rd paragraph - An ancient Chinese story+research.(Very difficult!)

Re: [Exam Questions] 2014.08.02

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 3:23 pm
by jimmy ielts
anu4 wrote: Writing task 1
You've lost your certificate in a foreign country,Write a letter to that college principal.

Writing task 2
Dangerous Sports should be banned.Do you agree or disagree,Discuss.
thanks Anu, your information is added now

Re: [Exam Questions] 2014.08.02

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 3:28 pm
by jimmy ielts
post updated, if anyone can remember what APAC's task 1 looks like, please draw it and post it here. I'm sure Ryan would love to write you a sample essay or two :)

Re: [Exam Questions] 2014.08.02

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 3:35 pm
by anu4
jimmy ielts wrote:
anu4 wrote: Writing task 1
You've lost your certificate in a foreign country,Write a letter to that college principal.

Writing task 2
Dangerous Sports should be banned.Do you agree or disagree,Discuss.
thanks Anu, your information is added now
You're welcome Jimmy :)

Re: [Exam Questions] 2014.08.02

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 12:04 pm
by saqibali
More questions?

Re: [Exam Questions] 2014.08.02

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 1:14 am
by Aditi
The cue card question for me was

talk about an important letter that you have written recently
what was the letter about
to whom it was written
why this letter was so important.

follow up question
what has substitued letter these days?
does email have any disadvantages?

Re: [Exam Questions] 2014.08.02

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 10:36 am
by adhoom
thanks for sharing all my hope for you

Re: [Exam Questions] 2014.08.02

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 1:59 am
by ashish
apac speaking -
melbourne - RMIT

part 1
where do you live
do you like living there
what short of area you live in
why do you live in this area
any park?
do people use more car in your area
do you know your neighbours
how well do you know
how good is the public transport in your area?

how often do you take taxies?
when did you take the taxi last time?
do you think everybody should learn how to drive car?
do you drive?

part 2

what language ( except english) you would want to learn

why do you want to learn
how would you learn
what difficulties you think you will face - what problems

what are the benefits of speaking the language

in 3rd section

what are the drawbacks of one world language
what are the advantages
what other language has potential of becoming a world language
elaborate more


Re: [Exam Questions] 2014.08.02

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 2:01 am
by ashish
as per the jimmy's account

listening was up to date
it was the same for me
and i can say
it is 100% correct

i see my answers here

good memories mate!


Re: [Exam Questions] 2014.08.02

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 6:26 am
by Jagneet
Can someone please send the answers of the general training reading and listening test which took place in India on 2nd August

Re: [Exam Questions] 2014.08.02

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 6:28 am
by Jagneet
Listening consisted of tour guide, something related to chimpanzees and some tv network production. And reading had 4 passages, d last one being related to Lake Superior.

Re: [Exam Questions] 2014.08.02

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 5:36 am
by ieltstrategies
Thanks for sharing. We are gonna collect and preview them for my students.

Re: [Exam Questions] 2014.08.02

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2014 1:07 am
by nytshade
hi Ryan,

I am smriti from nepal. I have taken ielts test yesterday (11 oct, 2014). i got the questions from the three topic that you have poted in this forum.. 1. parrots from australia, research on children's literature and history of pencil. the irony is that i just found out about this site today (12 oct, 2014) :(. could you post answers to the questions of these topics please?

also could you help me for my speaking test.. could you post some set of speaking topics that i could practice for my upcoming speaking test which is on oct 14, 2014.

Thanks!! :)