Please assess my General Writing Task 2.

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Please assess my General Writing Task 2.

Post by vikasggn »

A healthy person is often described as someone who has a good diet, gets plenty of exercise and avoid stress.
What should people do to stay healthy in your country.
A sound mind lives in a sound body. Indians have started realizing the importance of physical and mental health and many of us are now changing our lifestyles for better.This has become possible by adopting some good eating habits, proper exercise regime and sound relaxation techniques.

Proper diet control is the most important aspect of staying healthy. An average human burns around 2100 calories in a day with a combination of Carbohydrates, Fats, Vitamins, Protein and Minerals. Easiest way for diet control is to keep a proper check on the food intake against what we can burn. For most of the instances, this can be easily referred from the package labels of the food we eat. Avoiding fried foods, too many sweets, alcohol and smoking are positive way forward to avoid an unhealthy and stressful lifestyle. Regular and proactive health check-ups also help to diagnose and treat any possible ailments faster.

Another important aspect apart from food is a proper exercise regime to burn the excessive fat. Early morning walk, jogging, cycling or involvement in any of the physical activity can be a good starting point. These days people are also getting inclined towards Yoga and Aerobics. These are proven techniques to assess body fitness. Minor changes in lifestyle like using stairs instead of lifts, walking or cycling instead of cars for short distance and taking small breaks during sitting jobs, can be highly effective for physical well-being.

Apart from healthy body, a healthy mind is equally important. Living a stress free life by practicing deep breathing exercises, meditation and yoga are effective ways to keep our minds relaxed. Involvement in fun activities at work place, distracting mind by watching TV or entertainment shows, playing some sport and spending time with kids or family can be good stress busters.

Hence there are various ways to stay healthy and fit. What we need is some regularity for physical and mental workouts and a proper check on the food we eat. A proper assessment on these habits will ensure a healthy lifestyle and a better sustainability against the diseases for lifetime.
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Re: Please assess my General Writing Task 2.

Post by saqibali »

I supposed, its an older post.
Do you still need to correct this essay?
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