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Essay on Environment protection..Please comment!

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 2:24 pm
by azm
Scientists point out that our world is experiencing a lot of environmental problems. Some say the government should take preventive steps to avoid them. Others say that the change should be made on an individual’s level, perhaps by changing people’s lifestyle. Discuss and give your opinion

Today, it is a very unfortunate situation that the environment is facing a major threat the world over. Modern human activities can be considered as an important contributing factor to this scenario, which is ultimately leading to a disruption in the ecological balance. Several on-going activities, taken up at national and international levels, are trying to combat this issue. However, some people argue that the government has to bear the responsibility of handling this crisis, whereas, others are of the opinion that this is possible with measures taken at the individual level. Both sides of this debate will be analysed and a reasonable conclusion will be derived.

Taking the first argument into consideration. The government, no doubt, has a key role to play in taking steps to prevent damage to the ecosystem. It has the authority to set the rules and regulations to safeguard the environment and impose huge fines if they are violated. An example of the Danish ruling body is apt here. The citizens in Denmark are subjected to heavy fines, in case, their vehicles do not have a valid and updated pollution-control certificate, when checked by the traffic police. As a result of this, the Danes regularly take their cars to the 'Forurenings kontrol board' for an inspection. Thus, it is clear that strict measures implemented by the government can contribute effectively in curbing the environmental problems. So, the clan supporting this idea is justifiable.

However, looking at the rate at which the environment is being damaged in the present times, the remedies taken by the government alone are not sufficient to tackle this situation. It is a need of the hour that individuals must come into action and play their part dedicatedly. This effort will, undoubtedly, cause a significant change in the present conditions pertaining to the environment. For instance, the students of Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai had pledged to ban the use of plastic bags in their campus, five years ago. This move has influenced the people living in the surrounding area and today, plastic shoppers have been replaced with paper bags in the entire locality. This gesture shows how changes in the individual lifestyles can have an impact on the society, thereby, communities are motivated to work hand-in-hand towards a safer environment. Therefore, people in favour of this idea have their own weight-age.

Analysing both these views, it can be concluded that in order to up-root problems related to the environment, efforts are to be taken both by the government and the individuals at their respective levels. Only then, this task can be accomplished and a healthier environment can be preserved for the coming generations.

Re: Essay on Environment protection..Please comment!

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 2:14 pm
by azm
Hello everyone,
Please post your suggestions to my essay.

Re: Essay on Environment protection..Please comment!

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 1:04 pm
by bunni015
Hi All,

Can anyone of you encourage us by commenting on the below and above essay replies of task 2?

Environmental experts, several times ,warned the world about the behavioural changes of environment and its multifarious effects to natural climate. The epidemics like carbon print, deforestation, and wastage are some of the few to mention, which are involved in increasing these effects. However, some argue that the government is more answerable rather than common man and viceversa. This inditing examines both views before drawing an opinion.

First of all, Government has its own role to play in addressing and creating awareness towards the spreading environmental issues. Instead blaming the society, it has to come up with feasible and captivating policies and promotions. Consider,using various media means, it has promoted about the harm that is caused due to excessive use of fossil fuels - petrol,diesel etc. In addition, if it promotes from the public point of view in how they can save their expenses on fuel? and how it is beneficial for their health? by doing so. Apparently, This can impact on the people who have pleasure of driving. Thus, clearly, Government is also an answerable entity to contemporary hinders of climate.

On the other hand, people have significant part in following and educating neighbours and the society to overcome the prevalent climate concerns around the globe. For example, if a group of people based on a consensus could form a Non-government organization - NGO. These can actively help the government incumbents to build a better society by reforming the lakes, pools etc, by clearing the waste. In addition, as an individual everyone are abide to follow,instruct and generate awareness about environment and its effects with their children. Hence, as a citizen of the society they are responsible for keeping away the hazardous environmental issues.

To draw a conclusion after analysing above views, it is apparent that government and individuals of the society has to work together as a team in order to overcome these climate concerns. It is believed that before acting as a government officials, as a person they are individuals and the change has to come within each of them. From 20 years now, I assume there will a clean and healed world for future inhabitants.

Total Number of Words: 360

Thanks & Regards