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Please check my essay - mobile phones popularity

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2013 5:58 pm
by npr.ielts7
The popularity of mobile phones among young people is growing rapidly. Is it a good or a bad development? Give your own opinion and relevant examples from experience.

In today's world, the use of mobile phones is ever increasing. This trend is commonly seen in youngsters. It is agreed that the popularity among youngsters is a positive development. Analysing both the ability to communicate at ease with friends and relatives as well as the access to any information on the fly will show this.

Firstly, with the use of mobile phones, communication with peers and family becomes fast and easy. For example, as a student, I lived away from home and I was required to regularly update on my progress with my parents. Fortunately, mobile phone came to my rescue and I could make quick video or voice calls with my parents. This makes it clear why mobile calling devices are popular among youngsters.

Secondly, information about anything and everything is made available on mobile phones. For instance, if I need to know about the best possible route to a place, I can simply search this information on the mobile phone instead of referring to physical maps. Mobile phones today are designed to give information on the fly. From this, it becomes quite evident why the popularity of mobile phones is on the rise.

In summary, mobile phone gives its user both the flexibility to communicate and reach to information any time during a day. Thus, it is clear why the rapid growth of phone usage is seen as a positive trend. After analyzing this subject, it is predicted that more people will follow this trend and start using it daily.

Re: Please check my essay - mobile phones popularity

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 8:19 am
by saqibali
npr.ielts7 wrote:The popularity of mobile phones among young people is growing rapidly. Is it a good or a bad development? Give your own opinion and relevant examples from experience.

In today's world, the use of mobile phones is ever increasing. This trend is commonly seen[speficicaly observed] in youngsters. It is agreed that the popularity among youngsters[good use of alternative word] is a positive development. Analysing both the ability to communicate at ease with friends and relatives[better use "at ease" at this part of sentence] as well as the access to any information on the fly will show this.

Firstly, with the use of mobile phones, communication with peers and family becomes fast and easy. For example, as a student, I lived away from home and I was required to regularly update on my progress with my parents[it was necessary for me to update my parents]. Fortunately, mobile phone came to my rescue and I could make quick video or voice calls with my parents. This makes it clear why mobile calling devices are popular among youngsters.

Secondly, information about anything and everything is made available on mobile phones. For instance, if I need to know about the best possible route to a place, I can simply search this information on the mobile phone instead of referring to physical maps. Mobile phones today are designed to give information on the fly. From this, it becomes quite evident why the popularity of mobile phones is on the rise.

In summary, mobile phone gives its user both the flexibility to communicate and reach to information any time during a day. Thus, it is clear why the rapid growth of phone usage is seen as a positive trend. After analyzing this subject, it is predicted that more people will follow this trend and start using it daily.