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Task 2 related question. Discuss Topic and draw a conclusion

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 12:00 pm
by Pkhatawa
Essay Question - "Internet has a negative effect on personality development among young people. Discuss this statement and form an opinion." - This is a discussion essay. The question requires to discuss only negative effect. However the subject can be analysed and discussed from opposing position too. Eg. Positive effect. My question is, should the candidate discuss only negative effect as a part 1 and in part 2 should he discuss positive side as his opinion? OR should the candidate discuss both negative effect and positive effect as a part 1 and in part 2 should he discuss his position as opinion? Any other way than these to address this essay question?

Re: Task 2 related question. Discuss Topic and draw a conclu

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 12:07 pm
by argho1985
Pkhatawa wrote:Essay Question - "Internet has a negative effect on personality development among young people. Discuss this statement and form an opinion." - This is a discussion essay. The question requires to discuss only negative effect. However the subject can be analysed and discussed from opposing position too. Eg. Positive effect. My question is, should the candidate discuss only negative effect as a part 1 and in part 2 should he discuss positive side as his opinion? OR should the candidate discuss both negative effect and positive effect as a part 1 and in part 2 should he discuss his position as opinion? Any other way than these to address this essay question?
Hey Mate,

What I will do is I will analyse the positives and negatives and in conclusion will end in saying that, positives outweigh the negatives because in introduction, I will say that although, internet has a bad influence on certain viewers overall development, but I feel that it has major advantages too..


Re: Task 2 related question. Discuss Topic and draw a conclu

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 9:37 am
by Pkhatawa
Thanks a lot! "Discuss this statement and form an opinion." - let's hope that the examiner may please think like us. :)