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Please Rate My General Task 1 Letter:2

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 8:40 am
by harshaabba

Write a letter to a travel agent expressing your dissatisfaction with their facilities due to a problem you had on a holiday.

I am Harsha Senarathne and I am writing this letter to inform about dissatisfaction about your service. I travelled to victoria under the package of ‘Start Cruise’ on 17th April. I was really disgusted with the food and accommodation which I received.

First of all, I was not all that satisfied with the size and the condition of the cabin. It was very small and dirty unlike the ‘large duluxe cabin’ which promised by your advertisement. Moreover, I had to share the bathroom with several other passengers. In spite of the fact that , I especially requested for a private bathroom when I made the reservation. At that time , you promised me to deliver the facility. To make things more worse , the food on board was not up to satisfactory level. Although your advertisement promises a five star restaurant with gourmet food , the food was in fact of a very poor standard.

Hence , I feel , I am entitled for a full refund for the services which you promised to supply . I hope to hear from you regarding this matter as soon as possible.

Thanks a lot for you time and consideration.

Yours faithfully,

Re: Please Rate My General Task 1 Letter:2

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 9:43 am
by argho1985

Nicely written..
