My first attempt was on 10th May 2014 and my results ain't that pretty. I only got L:7.5, R:7.0, W:6.5, S:6.5 with an Overall:7.0
I need at least 7.5 in each sections. On my first attempt, I didn't do much practice especially on my writing and speaking sections. I was extremely nervous and momentarily paused for a very long time in speaking part 2 because I don't know what to say and my mind went blank(the examiner looked very stern with arms crossed looking straight into my eyes). I definitely felt intimidated by the examiner. Before the exam, I heard advices about having eye contact would increase our marks but I don't think that's true(at least not for me

I signed up for IELTS on 21st June and vowed not to make the same mistakes I made on my first attempt. This time, thanks to Ryan Higgins, I was able to prepare myself better and continuously do exercises in Listening, Reading and also Writing. On speaking part, I managed to find friends here on skype and it definitely helped a lot in boosting my self confidence. My second attempt result is as follows. L:8.0, R:8.5, W:7.5, S:7.5, Overall:8.0
I was ecstatic when I saw my result. In just three weeks preparation, I managed to jumped to band 8. Moreover, I got 8.5 in my reading which was unexpected because I'm a very careless person so I tend to make mistakes here and there. To put it more simply, if I can do it, so can you. Believe in yourself and all will be well. Never give up!!! I wish you all the best in your IELTS!!