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Please rate this essay and give feedback

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 3:34 pm
by Anjali Arora
Some people think parents should read stories to their children while others believe modern world has many things to learn like TV, Books and films.
Discuss both and give your opinions

The attitude of a child towards the society is largely based on the knowledge he acquires. Some people believe that parents have the responsibility of reading stories to their children while others oppose it saying that children have the capability of reading and understanding matters from printed and electronic media. Both the points will be discussed before reaching a conclusion.

First, parents are considered as the first teachers of their children. For example, in Asian countries, like India, Children consider their parents as their role models. They try to emulate them. Because of their intimate bonding, parents can easily influence and shape their children's thought process. They can convey the right information from books and other media in a precise way. The discussions while telling stories can broaden a child's views. Furthermore, listening stories increases listening abilities of a child. On the contrary, Children may develop dependent attitude if parents help in such activities. Also, they do not get chance to think in a different direction while following the footsteps of their parents.

Secondly, media broadens the thinking of children. Children can accomplish their unique individuality by making their own decisions and judgments if they are allowed to read books and watch TV on their own. Moreover, it helps them to improve their concentration and dedication, which in turn brings major changes in their academic progress. In addition, their creativity and imagination gets moulded according to their experiences and perception. On the other hand, they will develop their own opinions without knowing all the aspects, which can impact their personality development.

To conclude, parents have a major impact in the development of positive attitude in their children. Therefore, they should not restrict their children to use any media for acquiring information. They should act in a way that their learning abilities and personality development do not get affected.

Re: Please rate this essay and give feedback

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 1:32 am
by cranford cliff
i think you are slightly off-topic - maybe because the question is not clear .
Parents reading 'stories' for children is not just about teaching them things , or imparting/acquiring information , but more about family bonding and sharing the excitement and fun of story-telling; also something about the cultural values contained in the stories, and keeping the traditional stories alive.

The opposed view thinks that new (multi-)media can tell stories better than parents.

Your organisation of the paragraphs by 'firstly ' , 'secondly' is confusing because the two paragraphs give opposite or different views. Firstly, secondly .... are used to continue the same point .....