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Task 2 > Knowledge and books - Could you please assess it?

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2014 1:57 pm
by Damien P.
Could you please assess the essay I wrote today? I would like to know which are the flaws and mistakes, and even if it is long enough. Indeed, MS Word counted 252 words (I firstly wrote it on paper, then transcripted it here).

Thank you in advance :)

It has been said, “Not every thing that is learned is contained in books.”
Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books. In your opinion, which source is more important? Why?

Knowledge per is difficult to define clearly as a concept, be it theoretical, practical or even instinctive. Still, it is argued that we must learn. The question is: between experience and books, which source is the best way to acquire knowledge?

On the one hand, experience is recognised as an efficient way of transmitting informal knowledge and know-how from one person to another, things that could not be understood perfectly without experiencing them. Marking examples could be the ‘arts’ of farming, driving or fighting. Although one might possess natural abilities and read a lot about such disciplines, he or she would be forced to practice in order to become really proficient. Furthermore, experience is considered to be a natural and progressive preparation for life. For instance, only time can help a person to get maturity, which is a defining feature of responsible adults.

On the other hand, books are a wonderful means of stocking and acquiring theoretical knowledge. It might be argued that practical knowledge is impossible to acquire with books, which is partly wrong. Indeed, words can describe many things, as techniques or philosophy. More than many informal exchanges, books are able to store and transfer knowledge in its purest state. Striking illustrations of this argument are letters of soldiers who fought wars, ancient historiographical texts or poetry.

In conclusion, I firmly believe that both experience and books are essential sources of knowledge, since the latter provide us with elements that the former helps us to put into practice and fully understand.

252 words

Re: Task 2 > Knowledge and books - Could you please assess i

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2014 4:02 pm
by johnsky
Really excellent essay, very few mistakes; you could have provided more examples in your second para, but looks like you will get a good score anyway.

Please critic mine:

Re: Task 2 > Knowledge and books - Could you please assess i

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2014 6:23 pm
by Damien P.
Thank you a lot :)
It is true that the second one could have been bigger, even more since the essay is only 252 words.

I read and commented on your letter too.