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ielts questions canada June 28/14

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2014 8:05 pm
by Nicola
I just finished my ielts exam ...I felt listening was easy,reading was really hard..writing part 1-it was a table with the percentage of internet users in a European country from 2006-2010......,part 2.many people believe that what we learn from school will be useful in future.some others believe that everything will not be useful,it's a waste of time discuss both views and state your opinion,.. Speaking test-where are you from ?where do you stay now?what you don't like about the place where you stay now?do you think ,you will live there for many years?about you travel a lot in train?Do you have underground trains in your country? Do you ever had any interesting incidents when travel in train(2) describe a photo of you taken by someone which you liked...who took the pic,where was it??why you liked it?? (3)do you like to be photographed ?do you like to take pictures?do you think is it necessary to be a professional photographer to take pictures?what are the qualities of a professional photographer??what are the difference b/w an Amature photographer and professional photographer in a news event?what are the influence of a photograph and a written event on newspaper??what is the difference b/w photographs in the past and now?what you think when you look at a pic which is 100 years old and a new pic?I hope this helps...thankyou

Re: ielts questions canada June 28/14

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 11:22 pm
by adhoom
thank you NICOLA i prepare now for ielts now i hope you may suggest a asite helping me ?

Re: ielts questions canada June 28/14

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 3:57 pm
by Nicola
Hi Adhoom,
There is no specific site for Ryan's you tube videos,to get an idea of writing structure..then practice practice everyday....
2.there is a Ryan's YouTube video,which explains how to score 9 in ielts...apply all those strategies in your daily ll defenitely amazed by your results...
if you cannot find it, I ll give more tips ...thankyou

Re: ielts questions canada June 28/14

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 10:56 am
by adhoom
thanks nicola i will searching for it at you tube thank you agine for your interest

Re: ielts questions canada June 28/14

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 9:37 pm
by wilsonbmn
I took the test in Fortaleza, Brazil. My questions were the same.
I really didn't like the Writing. I felt like my essay's quality was not good... Really different from those which I used to write at home...