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new member of ielts club

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 6:32 pm
by neena kaukab
Hello dear friends
my name is Neena Kaukab, I am basically from Pakistan but living in London.I am struggling hard with ielts 7 band each .I have been appeared twice but could not made it .my weakest section is reading but I would love to hit more than required target in each section and that's what I,m aiming this time.please help me to make it possible and guide me with your great experiences that will be a great favour as all of my future depends upon it .

kind regards
Neena kaukab

Re: new member of ielts club

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 1:37 pm
by pankaj156429
hello neena,

in reading section the most problem is with timing of it, so first, we need to read questions carefully, after which we need to find keywords in paragraph. Recently i appeared in IELTS & scored 7 bands in Reading Module . so u must try this.

Re: new member of ielts club

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 8:24 pm
by Nicola
Hi Neena,this is Nicola here..can I give you a few suggestions??..try it and you will definitely find a difference.. (1)whatsoever finish ur first passage in the first 15 mins,2nd passage in 20 mins and 3rd in 25 mins while practicing..(2)try to get into practice atleast 20 days before exam,preferably a Cambridge reading material(if you are familiar with that reading passage.i mean if you have done that reading before,find a new Cambridge reading,if you already knew the answers ,there is no point in doing the same over and over again.(3)if you know,your actual reading test is at 10 am,try to do your practice at the same timings for consecutive 20 or 25 days..(4)practising should be exactly like an actual test in a quiet surrounding,with a timer and a pencil n paper with have to finish answering the questions in the answer sheet in the given mins 15-20-25 mins(5)start reading the heading and first para, then you will get an idea what the whole passage is about,then read the first question of each section ,say first question from true/false,first question from fill in thr blanks.. Then read the first para find the answer,when you find an answer underline and put the question number next to it..then read the next question and find the answer do the same..keep in mind,for all the questions given, there will be a precise answer ...there is no guessing in ielts reading..find the answers..It will be hard for the first few days, but you will defensively see a tremendous improvement for sure if you practice..Don't ever practice with same materials,find new books and don't overdo,one reading a day is enough..My last tip is wen you finish your reading practice,you will defenitely count your correct answers right??along with that try to find out your wrong answers...why it is wrong?why it is a true or false? if you take few extra minutes in the first few's normal and it's okay,...keep practicing ...I guarantee, you can score 8 or higher for sure..All the very best for your next exam,if you try my tips I hope you will let me know abt it..Thanks..

Re: new member of ielts club

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 5:46 pm
by Agengtirta
hi! i am new here too! lets make friendsss

Re: new member of ielts club

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 9:22 pm
by neena kaukab
Hi Argengtirta,
Thank you for contacting me and very sorry for late replying. I would love to be friend of yours . Could you please tell me how you are preparing your test and also let me know how can I help you.


Re: new member of ielts club

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 10:36 pm
by kannu
hey nicola,
i really liked the way you shared your experience about reading..i will definitely try these.....

Re: new member of ielts club

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 3:49 pm
by neena kaukab
Hello everyone ,
I'm looking for good online ielts exam material , where I can get all practice tests . if any one has some information regarding this ,please let me know . I'll be very grateful for this help.