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GT - 21st june Australia

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 5:35 am
by durai
General Writing task 1 21/06/14 -Australia

You have invited you friend from overseas for a family wedding.
You will not be able to pick him up at the airport.
Write a letter:
(i) why you cannot pick him at the airport.
(ii) how to get to his hotel
(iii) describe the hotel.

Task 2

More and more people move from areas where they grew up to find jobs.
Does this development have advantages or disadvantages.

note: you may not get same questions, so beware of other questions, but you can think of ideas....

Re: GT - 21st june Australia

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 2:09 pm
by allen_zhang
HI Durai,
This is the same topics as in Hong Kong. Seems easier than India's topics. I feel pretty good with my writing this time.

Best regards,

Re: GT - 21st june Australia

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 1:14 am
by argho1985
Hi Durai,

Looking at the Task 2 essay topic, I thought of this structure

Intro: Start with a opening sentence like " pursuing a good and challenging job is every person's dream"

Supporting para 1: giving advantages of why people are going overseas to find jobs
some points: more opportunities, better lifestyle, adapting new culture and tradition and at least good life for their kids


Supporting para 2: giving disadvantages,like home sickness, travel time, not part of family decision making.

Conclusion: giving that it has both advantages and disadvantages, but advantages outweigh disadvantages and person needs to understand his family needs too and should decide whats better for both the parties.

Can you please comment whether this structure is good or not!!!


Re: GT - 21st june Australia

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 4:39 am
by raj.agrawal
It's an "advantages or disadvantages" question. Hence, you can discuss either one only. Use Argumentative essay type. Hence, Supporting Paragraph #2 will be wrong.

Re: GT - 21st june Australia

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 6:34 am
by allen_zhang
If I remember it correctly, the question is not:
"Does this development have advantages or disadvantages."
it is something like below(I am not 100% sure):
"Does this development have more advantages or disadvantages?"

I wrote an argument essay by supporting both sides and I said I believe that there are more advantages.

Re: GT - 21st june Australia

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 9:42 am
by Randeepbrar
Hi can anyone post answers of listening and reading general Ielts that held in Austrlia on 21st June,2014 ..

Re: GT - 21st june Australia

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 12:35 am
by argho1985
I know its a argumentative essay, but in order to come to a conclusion that whether it has advantages or disadvantages, we need to discuss the both sides. That's what I would have done in exam conditions too!!!

raj.agrawal wrote:It's an "advantages or disadvantages" question. Hence, you can discuss either one only. Use Argumentative essay type. Hence, Supporting Paragraph #2 will be wrong.

Re: GT - 21st june Australia

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 2:16 pm
by Pkhatawa
An attempt for Task 2

Man has always moved to different places in search of livelihood and prosperity. According to the National Employment Survey, the trend of movement of people from villages and towns to cities is sharply going up across the country. Now, people prefer to move in the pursuit of benefited career and lifestyle opportunities than just in search of better livelihood.

This development however has left the original places like villages and small towns at severe disadvantages in terms of local economy and the employment. First, it gave birth to structural unemployment, wherein the local industry is getting affected by the terrible shortage of labour and the businesses are struggling to survive. The local economy is facing serious threat in the absence of business activities. The sole reason is, young, skilled and productive group of people moving out. Second, such a place of low financial activities is unproductive for businesses and the government from profit and revenue point of view. In this situation, the government machinery is not likely to pay attention to the infrastructural necessities, and development demands. This is adding to the predisposed economic woes of the place. Third, in the absence of income opportunities and gains, social problems and crime are at increase. Fourth, upcoming and young generation too is following the trend to move into cities. Most of the young village dwellers in Maharashtra have moved to nearest major cities like Mumbai and Pune.

On the other hand, the people movement has also left our cities with unprecedented disadvantanges in terms of scarcity of resources and public utilities. The overcrowded cities has put severe stress on the housing, water supply, employment, transport, and law and security enforcement. For instance, the infrastructure in Mumbai has absolutely broken down and it has now no capacity to accommodate new dwellers and settlements. The social problems and crime rate has gone up in the city. The situation is alarming.

In my conclusive view, I must say that if the situation cannot be resolved, at least it can be put under control. The government should work on long term projects to invest capital at the disadvantaged places. It should help the local industries survive and flourish with the help of soft loans and subsidies. Accordingly, it can also encourage the local businesses with training and marketing expertise. The uneven development and uneven distribution of opportunities however is a threat to our society.