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Help me to check it! Task 2

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 4:22 pm
by aprodigy
Topic :some ppl think that music brings only benefits to individuals and society. However, others believe that music have negative effects. Discuss both sides and give ur opinion
In today’s world, it is certainly true that music plays an important role socially and culturally. However, there are many arguments for and against the ideas of the benefits and drawbacks which music brings. In my viewpoint, I agree that music lead to a large number of advantages, rather than disadvantages for us.
There are several reasons contributing to the benefits of music. First of all, it is reasonable to say that thanks to music, humans might ease their mind after tireless working days. As a matter of the fact, the melodies and words in each song consist of different meanings and purposes, which make them appropriate for most hearers. For example, I often listen to the song named “You raise me up” whenever I am in trouble because of encouragement and hilarious feelings which this song brings. Additionally, it is interesting to note that each type of music have different styles such as jazz or pop. As a result, viewed from different angles, this seems to create various feelings in people’s soul, which allow them more optimistic in the present life. This is because listeners find it easier to enrich their spiritual life by ups and downs in each note tune, even it might not be expressed by words.
However, we can not deny that there are some strong arguments against music. One of the main reasons is that the negative effect of lyrics to the young. If the sexual or immoral words are shown in any song, young generation will surely be manipulated and they will not distinguish between the right and the wrong behaviours. Consequently, listening these as a habit, young people do not seem to orient appropriately for their future. This can make the widespread of social evil such as sexes or violences
All things considered, although there are some disadvantages that music causes, it also creates the significant advantages for both individual and society. What we should do immediately is to develop the strong points and minimize the weak points for it
Which band I can get???