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Check it for me! Task 2

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 1:53 pm
by aprodigy
Topic:The only way to reduce the amount of traffic in cities today is by reducing the need for people to travel from home to work, education or shopping
In the process of globalization, it is true that the amount of traffic in cities is on the increase. Some people are of the opinion that cutting down the demand for travelers from home to work, education or shopping is the only way to tackle this problem. From my point of view, there are better ways to dealt besides this solution.
One of the most popular methods to decline the amount of traffic is using public transportation widely. As a matter of the fact, bus is considered as a convenient simple vehicle for both young and old people. If there are a large number of buses travelling around the city, surely a great deal of transport will give a remarkable drop. Additionally, it is reasonable to say that a bus seems to replace a variety of vehicles such as motorbikes or cars on the road. As a result, this might help commuters avoid a considerable number of accidents.
Another strategy for this problem is that educating lessons should be shown in public. In fact, it is essential for teachers to cooperate the disadvantages of increasing traffic with the theorical periods in classes. For example, with a view to Chemistry, educators might find it easy to work out with several harmful chemicals which are caused by raising the amount of traffic. Furthermore, this can have an effect on the people’s awareness, especially the young.
To put in a nutshell, I am penning down to say that, apart from reducing the demand of daily life, many solutions should be given to tackle with this issues. What we should do immediately is that sharing knowledge about this trend and find out the appropriate ways on certain circumstances.
Which band I can get?

Re: Check it for me! Task 2

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 11:46 pm
by Flick
aprodigy wrote:Topic:The only way to reduce the amount of traffic in cities today is by reducing the need for people to travel from home to work, education or shopping.

In the process of globalization, it is true that the amount of traffic in cities is on the increase. Some people are of the opinion that cutting down the demand for travel from home to work, education or shopping is the only way to tackle this problem. From my point of view, there are better ways to deal with the issue besides this solution.

One of the most popular methods to reduce the amount of traffic is using public transportation. As a matter of the fact, the bus is considered as a convenient and simple vehicle for both young and old people. If there are a large number of buses travelling around the city, surely a significant amount of traffic congestion will disappear. Additionally, it is reasonable to say that a bus can replace a variety of vehicles such as motorbikes or cars on the road. As a result, this might help commuters avoid a considerable number of accidents.

Another strategy for this problem is to have educating lessons shown in public. In fact, it is essential for driving instructors to communicate the disadvantages of increasing traffic during the theoretical periods in classes. For example, with a view to Chemistry, educators might find it easy to work out with several harmful chemicals which are caused by raising the amount of traffic. (<-- I don't understand what you mean.) Furthermore, this can have an effect on people’s awareness, especially the young.

In conclusion, I believe that, apart from reducing the demand of transport in daily life, many solutions are available to tackle this issues. What we should do immediately is share knowledge about this trend and find out the appropriate solutions for certain circumstances.