Academic Task 2. Please review and mark. thanks :-)

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Academic Task 2. Please review and mark. thanks :-)

Post by acer05 »

Advertising is all around us, it is an unavoidable part of everyones's life. Some people say that advertising is a positive part of our lives while others say it is negative. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


In our modern age and time, almost every product made by companies is being publicise using advertising, which seems to be ubiquitous. This fact has generated a growing debate to whether this mean, that is known to be part of our daily lives, should or should not be considered as an asset to society. On the one hand, many argue that advertising is a positive part of our lives, on the other, some believe otherwise. Both of these points of view will be analyzed prior to reaching a reasoned conclusion.

Today, most people consider advertising as a good thing and a significant factor in life which can be exploited for human benefit. For example, televisions, billboards, news papers and magazines pride themselves of having sufficient amount of advertising. One of which is MMDA ads that disseminate information to people on how to choose modes of transportation that are convenient and safe. In turn, it helps the masses to travel with ease everyday and subsequently supports the idea that advertising has some positive outcomes and is an important part of people's lives. Thus, it is easy to understand why this argument has gained a lot of support.

However, others share the cynicism over the idea of advertising being an indispensable part of human life. For instance, advertisements seen on television like commercials of McDonald's and Jolibee could have a profound influence to children in a negative way. These companies have numerous persuasive tactics in thier ads that lure young minds to eating fast-food frequently, thus, could lead to unhealthy lifestyle. This example clearly illustrates the negative implications of advertising. Consequently, it is clear to see why people gravitate towards this impression.

After analyzing both sides of the debate, it is difficult not to side with the premise that advertising has negative outcomes than positive ones. For the reason that, as the unimpeachable evidence has shown, advertising is all bout influencing and directing people's choices which can be detrimental to one's health. Thus it is assumed that this argument will stay true for generations to come.
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Re: Academic Task 2. Please review and mark. thanks :-)

Post by Flick »

acer05 wrote:Advertising is all around us, it is an unavoidable part of everyones's life. Some people say that advertising is a positive part of our lives while others say it is negative. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


In our modern age and time, almost every product made by companies is being publicised using advertising, which seems to be ubiquitous. This fact has generated a growing debate to whether this mean, that is known to be part of our daily lives, should or should not be considered as an asset to society.(<-- Reword to: This fact has generated a growing debate as to whether this should or should not be considered an asset to society.) On the one hand, many argue that advertising is a positive part of our lives, while on the other, some believe it is having a negative impact on society). Both of these points of view will be analyzed prior to reaching a reasoned conclusion.

Today, most people consider advertising as a good thing and a significant factor in life which can be exploited for human benefit. For example, television, billboards, newspapers and magazines pride themselves on provinding a significant amount of advertising. One of which is MMDA ads that disseminate information to people on how to choose modes of transportation that are convenient and safe. In turn, it helps the masses to travel with ease everyday and subsequently supports the idea that advertising has some positive outcomes and is an important part of people's lives. Thus, it is easy to understand why this argument has gained a lot of support.

However, others have cynicism over the idea of advertising being an indispensable part of human life. For instance, advertisements seen on television like commercials of McDonald's and Jolibee could have a profound influence on children in a negative way. These companies have numerous persuasive tactics in thier ads that lure young minds to eat fast-food frequently, which could lead to unhealthy lifestyle and future health complications. This example clearly illustrates the negative implications of advertising. Consequently, it is clear to see why people gravitate towards this impression.

After analyzing both sides of the debate, it is difficult not to side with the premise that advertising has more negative outcomes than positive ones. For the reason that, as the unimpeachable evidence has shown, advertising is all about influencing and directing people's choices which can be detrimental to one's health. Thus it is assumed that this argument will stay true for generations to come.
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