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Please help to check....

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 1:47 pm
by paperheart
Some people say that cooking food at home is a waste of time. They claim that good restaurants are better and can make modern living easier and less stressful. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

It is undeniable that some people prefer to dine out rather than having home-cooked meals, especially in this era that is occupied with competition and stressful working environment. Although take away or dine out are convenient to most of the people, I personally believe that home-cooked food could be easily prepared and saves up a lot of time, depending on individuals technique.

First of all, people have the perspective that home-cooked meals tend to consume a significant amount of time. However, this is not the case when there are several options to prepare a quick and healthy meal on your own. This can be further supported by famous British chefs, Jamie Oliver and Gordon Ramsay, where both constantly emphasize on the importance of homemade food that would not take more than 15mins to prepare.

Secondly, home-cooked meals should always be encouraged as it is usually served with fresh ingredients. Unlike restaurants, you would hardly know the ingredients used to prepare the dishes, while some would even end up preparing a dreadful dish. In this case, by making your own food, you know exactly what it is that you are eating. Hence, that would reduce unnecessary junks to your stomach. Furthermore, it could aid person to lead a healthier diet too.

In conclusion, I believe that the idea of preparing food at home should always be supported by citizens. It does not just help an individual to have a better health condition; it also assists a person to develop his/her culinary skills.

Re: Please help to check....

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 1:34 am
by youngsherlock
1.Such a great opening so I'm expecting techniques. ( I love to cook. :mrgreen: )
2. U r a grammar wizard.
3. Creative structure

1. Fail to introduce specifics tips of Jamie and Gordon as expected by readers.( individual technique)
Solution: Introduce an example of easy-to-make menu. Really pass technique as u have stated in your point of view. Make someone who survive on minimart' hot dogs to personally believe that homemade cooking is not inessentially painful.

2. Lack acquisition to climb out of the " ....and less stressful" idea in the second theme.
Solution: Cooking doesn't entail fear, stress and depression as some thought. It is so romanticized to cook with my girlfriend or enable me to empathise with my mom who always share cooking experience with everyone. ^ ^


Hi, paperheart,

As a 9 Band legend said to me once, writting is like life: not how long it is, but how good it is, is what matters.

Organized your essay from bottom to top as well as from top to bottom.
I followed from 1,2,3,...........10
I follow from 10,9,8,........1
Forwards and backwards are like chopsticks.
I wish u all very good lives.
Thank you

Re: Please help to check....

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 2:35 am
by IndianHarry
paperheart wrote:Some people say that cooking food at home is a waste of time. They claim that good restaurants are better and can make modern living easier and less stressful. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

It is undeniable that some people prefer to dine out rather than having home-cooked meals, especially in this era that is occupied with competition and stressful work environment. Although take away or dine out are convenient to most of the people, I personally believe that home-cooked food could be easily prepared and saves up a lot of time, depending on individual's technique.

First of all, people have the perspective that home-cooked meals tend to consume a significant amount of time. However, this is not the case when there are several options to prepare a quick and healthy meal on your own. This can be further supported by famous British chefs, Jamie Oliver and Gordon Ramsay, where both constantly emphasize on the importance of homemade food that would not take more than 15mins to prepare.

Secondly, home-cooked meals should always be encouraged as these are usually served with fresh ingredients. This is Unlike restaurants where you would hardly know the ingredients used to prepare the dishes, while some would even end up preparing a dreadful dish. In this case, by making your own food, you know exactly what it is that you are eating. Hence, that would reduce unnecessary junks in your stomach. Furthermore, it could aid person to lead a healthier life too.

In conclusion, I believe that the idea of preparing food at home should always be supported by citizens. It does not just help an individual to have a better health condition; it also assists a person to develop his/her culinary skills.
Very well written essay. Apart from the comments that Youngsherlock made, I'd like to add a few things.

1. I would say you were not fully on topic in this essay. You were on a tangent. This could lose you some marks in the task achievement section. Look at the second statement in the question. This was the one you had to directly address. And the views regarding home-cooking should only have come as a supporting element. The very first paragraph of your essay actually misses it. It remains rather weakly connected to the idea that modern restaurants can make life easier.

2. I consider it important to end each supporting paragraph by linking it back to your thesis statement. This adds immensely to the cohesion of the essay. Something like "Thus we see how eating in Restaurants may not be as advantageous as it seems". The same with the 3rd paragraph.

3. It is a good practice if you can sump up the two points that you have made in the first statement of the conclusion. This adds to the overall cohesiveness of the essay. Something like " In conclusion it can be said that restaurants do not necessarily make the life easier as the apparent advantages that they offer like consuming less time can easily be availed through home cooking as well." + Your thesis statement.

4. Just to point out how this was a bit off topic, Look at your thesis statement in the conclusion -

"I believe that the idea of preparing food at home should always be supported by citizens."

This is not what the essay was asking you to directly address. It was asking you to talk about restaurants and home-cooking was a closely related aspect. Something like " I believe that eating at Restaurants should not be supported by citizens" would have been much closer to the topic and would have earned you a few precious bands in the task achievement section.

Re: Please help to check....

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 10:41 am
by paperheart
Thank you guys!
Really appreciate your effort! ;)