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My acknowledgement to Flick (pink colour)

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 1:52 am
by youngsherlock
Hi, Flick

I'm not a good speaker, but I have something to say to you.

As Albert Einstein once said:

"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler."

Or, as simple as what Dr. Huxtable (Character in Cosby Show) once answered his wife when asked with this question:

Clair (his wife): Cliff, why do we have four children?
Cliff (Dr. Huxtable): Because we did not want five.

And, having been thinking about how to say "Thank You" to you , I just gonna go with the simplicity of both Einstein's quotation and Dr. Huxtable's response as simple as that.

Ok. Here I go: (very excited!)

Flick, you 've been so generous after all those affort (Oh! wait a minute. 'Affort' is a verb. I should have used 'effort.' Ok. grammatically cool down, Mike. Ready? Go!)

Flick, you 've been so generous after all those effort and enery u spent on checking my and others' essays. All I want to say is:

"You are so beautiful inside your heart."

Thank you so much!


Mike Ken

Re: My acknowledgement to Flick (pink colour)

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2014 10:39 pm
by Flick
Aww. Thanks, Mike! (blush)
I really enjoy being a part of this community - don't stop writing!
Hugs. :)
