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Which Band, pls?

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 5:33 pm
by youngsherlock
In some cultures, children are expected to follow very strict rules of behaviour. In other cultures, children are allowed to do almost anything they want. What are the merits of each opinion? What is your position on the matter? Include relevant examples in your response.

Like every culture, kids have a considerable passion to get education. Some achieve their intellectuals by following strict rules of behavior in the classroom, getting ahead through discipline, knowledge, and self-control. On the other hand, others ideally are capable of digging knowledge by playing all roles, crealtively developing different learning process and progress through exploring their allow-to-do-anything ego without frames of disciplines.

Just out of my catholic school, a very strict school indeed, kids learn to behave well and produce predictable patterns of extreme rationality in their behavior. These rationalities are obviously important to what they want to become successful in their personal and career life. Just the discipline of organizing kids’ thoughts in order at such a young age is a very useful thing. For example, those disciplined kids are taught to do the best they can do. Keep their promises and never tell a lie. If they say they are going to do it, they will work hard to get it done. Moreover, They will be told to leave for appointments and meetings early. Do not be late. However, if they are late, they will not bother giving people excuses. They are due to apologize, and are not interested in the excuse.

As a result, these rational and well-disciplined kids turn out to be so successful in their career such as doctors, engineers, financial advisors, bankers, and lawyers.

Unlike their counterpart, then, the other type of kids reckon that they would rather learn everything freely at their will, thinking they are not slaves of schools. They love to get involved in activities with tons of brainstorming creativities with less details, less crucial, and more love to boost their abilities. In their thinking, they do not rely entirely on school’s curriculums, but often through process of self advice, by experimenting outside the territory of strict rules which, they think, will make them suffer much calamity.

These kids thrive in career such as scientists, artist, and technologist.

In conclusion, arrangements of educational methods among all students are tricky and should rely on a combination of brains, teachers’ and parents’ judgements, students’ personalities, and trustworthiness of themselves.

Re: Which Band, pls?

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2014 10:56 pm
by Flick
youngsherlock wrote:In some cultures, children are expected to follow very strict rules of behaviour. In other cultures, children are allowed to do almost anything they want. What are the merits of each opinion? What is your position on the matter? Include relevant examples in your response.

In every culture, kids have a considerable passion to get education. Some achieve this by following strict rules of behavior in the classroom, getting ahead through discipline, knowledge, and self-control. On the other hand, others ideally are capable of gaining knowledge by playing all roles, creatively developing different learning processes and progressing through exploring their allow-to-do-anything ego without frames of disciplines.

Just out of my catholic school, a very strict school indeed, kids learn to behave well and produce predictable patterns of extreme rationality in their behavior. These rationalities are obviously important to what they want to become successful in their personal and working life. Just the discipline of organizing kids’ thoughts in order at such a young age is a very useful thing. For example, those disciplined kids are taught to do the best they can do, keep their promises and never tell a lie. If they say they are going to do it, they will work hard to get it done. Moreover, They will be told to leave for appointments and meetings early. Do not be late. However, if they are late, they will not bother giving people excuses. They are due to apologize, and are not interested in excuses.

As a result, these rational and well-disciplined kids turn out to be successful in their careers, such as doctors, engineers, financial advisors, bankers, and lawyers.

Unlike their counterpart, then, the other type of kids feel that they would rather learn everything freely at their will, thinking they are not slaves of schools. They love to get involved in activities with tons of brainstorming and creativity with less details, less discipline, and more love to boost their abilities. In their thinking, they do not rely entirely on the school’s curriculum, but often through a process of self advice, by experimenting outside the territory of strict rules which, they think, will make them suffer much calamity.

These kids thrive in careers such as scientists, artist, and technologists.

In conclusion, arrangements of educational methods among all students are tricky and should rely on a combination of brains, teachers’ and parents’ judgements, students’ personalities, and thetrustworthiness of children, themselves.
I really like the examples you give of the type of jobs suited to different people. Well done!