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Please review my Essay

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 2:53 pm
by Anilnag
Some people argue that music has no value in the children’s development in the school rather they can be concentrated more on the subjects such as science and computers.
Do you agree or disagree?
Music has been playing a vital role in everyone’s life since the dawn of time. It is the key especially in a child’s development. Although, some people argue that music adds nothing in a child’s development rather they should concentrate more on the regular subjects in schools, I believe that any art has a significant role in children’s development and music has no exception to it. This essay describes how learning music is the key in cultivating discipline and relaxation techniques in a child’s development.
Let us analyze first at discipline perspective, for some children who learn music with the gift of the gab but for others they have to practice continuously. To illustrate this in a real life scenario, the instructor has to first teach these children on punctuality, rhythm and how to practice regularly. Further, children also practice these techniques as part of their routine life. This epitome clearly states that children who attend music classes learn discipline by default. Thus, it is obvious that discipline is part of their lifestyle.
In addition to the above, relaxation techniques can be learned by the pupil who regularly attend the music classes. As an example, a child who sings a song in a group has to learn how to co-ordinate with others, control the voice and sync with peers. This can only be learnt by practicing the tips such as meditation and other relaxation techniques. Therefore, this clearly states why many people gravitate towards teaching music to the children in schools.
To put it in a nutshell, music classes have to be mandated in the schools as part of the regular curriculum. Most of the people believe that this is a key in children’s development. It is presumed that our begets will support the same in future.