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Please help to correct!

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 2:14 pm
by paperheart
Describe a situation where you helped other people. Please say

- What kind of help and when was it?
- Whom did you help?
- How often do you help others?


Re: Please help to correct!

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 8:57 pm
by lmoore
Hi, Paperheart.
This speech was a bit better than the last one I heard. This time, I was struck by the clarity of your pronunciation and your overall lack of a strong accent. You are quite easy to understand. There was one word, “genuine,” that stuck out a bit. You said “genOOin,” but you want a “y” sound right after the “n,” so it sounds like “genYOOin.”
Your vocabulary is very good. I heard you say “initially,” and “reluctant,” for example. Sometimes, you sound a bit too formal, so if you are comfortable with conversational, more informal, speech, use it every once in a while as you speak.
Here are some sentence structure/grammar changes I would suggest:
- She was having difficulty to that . . .whereby there were a lot of cars speeding. – She was having difficulty doing that. . .because there were a lot of cars speeding by.
- I decided to go up and approached her, offered her the help. – I decided to go up to her and offer her my help./I decided to approach her and offer to help./I decided to go up to her and offer to help.
- Initially, she was reluctant to accept my assistance for fear that I could be not genuine. – Initially, she was reluctant to accept my assistance for fear that I might not be genuine in my desire to help her.
This last sentence is very formal. You could make it a bit more informal by saying, “Initially, she was reluctant to accept my help because she was afraid I might hurt her.”
Nice work!