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Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 10:24 am
by esmersev
All children who go to school should stay till they are eighteen.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Education is very popular topic now days. This can bee seen that some nations discuss the mandatory age for children. It.It is agreed that children should go to school until they are eighteen years old. This will be proven by analyzing why the education is important and the relation between drug usage and school age.

Firstly, the number of the educated people shows the level of the education for the country. If the government makes the education mandatory for adults who are 18 and below, more adults will get enough education for their future. For example, Turkey has increased the mandatory age for school to 18 then the success of students who enters the university exams has improved. This example clearly shows that, increasing the mandatory age for education has benefits. This is one of two important reasons why i believe that all children should go school till they are eighteen.

Furthermore, if children leave school in early age, they will be potential drug user because they have nothing to do till they have a job. For instance, one of my friends left school when he is 15 then he started use drugs. When looking at this example, it is obvious that if adult student is can start using drugs if they leave school in early age. From this, it can be concluded that children should not leave school before the age of eighteen.

After analyzing why the education is important and the relation between drug usage and and school age, all children who go to school should stay till they are eighteen. It is predicted that all children all over the world can get education and finish the university.