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test is on this saturday

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 3:02 pm
by neha
“Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subject”
Do you agree or disagree?

Today, it is happening that universities shows inequity apropos the number of female and male students in many subjects. This can be seen mostly in small universities with less proportion of its enrolled students, than the big universities. As, universities lack the same quantity of both gender student to be fitted in every subject. Yet, it is strongly preferred that universities should maintain different number of male and female students in the light of subjects. As it is mostly seen that, males have more interest in a particular subject than their female counter parts and vice versa. Furthermore, job opportunities enhance by prejudice selection of male and female students in different subjects.

Firstly, it can be understood that males and females likenesses varies in their choice of subjects just as their other distinct life preferences. For instance, in developing countries, especially in Pakistan, most of the girls are interested in studying Biology. Whereas Math fascinate the boys. This example shows the clarity of differences in interest among the two genders. It is obvious that, keeping some criteria like different male and female students regarding their own choice of subjects will be beneficial.

Secondly, females due to their beauty are the most preferred choice in comparison to males in most of the jobs. Most of the companies, hire girls as they can attract the customers. For instance, in Pakistan the number of sales girl are twice than the sales man. This clearly shows that as the gender choice varies with the companies demands so, there should be some work places where the other gender could easily be employed. There is an obvious link between demands of work places and gender.

Thus, it is recommended that there is no injustice in enrolling different number of male and female students in every subject. After analyzing both points, it is proved that different number of male and female students can encourage them to study their choice of subject. Additionally, both males and females will have more chance of employment. As, marketing companies will definitely preferred males. While females will have more access to be in hotels or companies as receptionists

Re: test is on this saturday

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 2:55 pm
by Johnson zhang

Re: test is on this saturday

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 9:27 am
by neha
Can anyone please tell me, areas that need improvement and the band for this essay