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Pracitising mode....

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 2:48 pm
by paperheart
Practising mode.....

Describe your first mobile device and how it changed your life. Please say

- What device was it?
- When did you get it?
- How did you feel after using it?

Thanks! :)

Re: Pracitising mode....

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2014 9:12 pm
by lmoore
This is the most fluent and excited I’ve heard you speak! This was wonderful. Nice job!
Your vocabulary, as usual, is very good. Some of the areas to work on this time include sentence structure/grammar and speaking more.
Sentence structure/grammar:
- And the reason why I wanted to get this iPhone was because it fascinates me on the fact that it uses touch screen whereby you have to use your fingers to navigate from pages to pages – And the reason why I wanted to get this iPhone was because it FASCINATED (past tense to agree with “wanted”) me BECAUSE it uses a touch screen that REQUIRES you to use your fingers to navigate PAGES.
-The whole experience about this iPhone was amazing. – The whole iPhone experience was amazing.
-You said “preSENT,” when you meant “PRESent.” When the accent is on the second syllable, it means to give a presentation, but when it the accent is on the first syllable, it means a gift.
Speaking more:
-I think you might be able to extend your speaking time by offering a conclusion. You stop your speeches very abruptly, which can make it difficult for the listener in real time to know whether you are done speaking. The listener expects you to continue speaking since you did not provide a conclusion.
Thanks, and best wishes!

Re: Pracitising mode....

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 2:53 am
by allen_zhang
very clear. great accent.
a little bit slow.
Could add more information.