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Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 1:46 pm
by esmersev
There are more benefits to travel in your own country than traveling in foreign countries.

Do you agree or disagree?


Some people think that it is better to go abroad for holiday, however other people think that it is better to spend holiday in their own country. It is agreed that travelling in own country has more benefits than travelling in foreign countries. This will be proven by analyzing why the national travelling is cheaper and more secure than international journeys.

Firstly, people spend less money if they travel in their own country. For example last year I went to Italy for a week with my family by plane. I spent to much money for hotel because they did not give us discount. If I were in Turkey, I can get very special discounts from hotels. This example clearly shows that journeys can be expensive for tourists who come from other countries. This is one of two reasons why i believe that national journeys have more benefits.

Furthermore, travelling to another country can be dangerous if person can not speak the spoken language in that country. For instance, four years ago I went to Nepal to meet people who make business with my company. While we are going to hotel, police stopped our car and asked few questions in Nepal language which we do not know. Then, we did not understand what the policemen want from us. They took us to police station and another officer asked us our work permits and other legal papers. We have provided the requested documents to the officer and they released us. In my country, I have never seen situation like this. When looking at this example, there is no doubt that international journeys can be dangerous. It is obvious that international travels have disadvantages.

In summary, national travelling is cheaper and more secure than international travelling. Thus this is clear why benefits of the international journeys are less then travelling in own country. After analyzing this subject, it is predicted that people should choose their own country for holidays.


Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 4:54 pm
by allen_zhang
After read this Ielts writing topic. I was totally shocked......
And....I just wrote a weird answer to this question:

In recent years, the growth in wealth and the advancement of transportation provide people with the opportunity of traveling around. The choice of the destination of a journey now becomes a decision that people will have to make. Some people think that traveling inside their own country is more beneficial than going to another country. However, as far as I am concerned, it would be far more interesting and exciting to travel overseas as long as finance is not a problem for the travelers.

“Tour is travelling from the place you are bored with to another place that other people are bored with”. This interesting interpretation of tour reveals the fundamental motivation of travel: people want to experience things that they are not familiar with. Out of question, it is more likely for tourists to gain this kind of experience in a journey outside their own country. For example, many Chinese people choose to travel to Europe, America and Africa every year. Paris, Landon, Grand Canyon, Sahara, almost every corner of the world has left the footprints of Chinese tourists. It is the totally different landscapes and cultures of other countries that attract thousands of Chinese travelers.

The only thing that would bother a traveler on the selection of a destination is the cost. Generally, the costs of a travel abroad are much higher than a tour inside people’s own country. For instance, for Chinese tourists, the typical spending for a 7-day tour to Yunan, one of the most popular tourist destinations in China, is around $600, whereas the cost will be as much as $3000 for a trip to Paris.

In conclusion, when money is not a problem for tourists, I would recommend them to take their bag, go to another country and enjoy an amazing journey.


Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 3:48 am
by durai
Some people think that it is better to go abroad for holidays, however, others think that it is better to spend a holiday in their own country. you chnaged the topic, why holiday, even could be study, so stand on the topic It is agreed that travelling in own country has more benefits than travelling in foreign countries. This will be proven by analyzing how national travel is cheap and secure than international journeys.

Firstly, people need less money if they travel in their own country. For example, last year I went to Italy for a week with my family. I spent too much money for hotel because they did not give us a discount. If I were in Turkey, I would be able to get some discounts from hotels. This example clearly shows that journeys can be expensive for tourists who come from other countries. This is one of two reasons why i believe that national journeys have more benefits.

Furthermore, travelling to another country can be dangerous if person cannot speak the nativelanguage of the country. For instance, four years ago, I went to Nepal to meet people who do business with my company. While we are going to a hotel, police stopped our car and asked a few questions in thier language which we do not know. Then, we did not understand what the policemen want from us. They took us to the police station and another police officer asked us why two pronouns our work permits and other legal papers. We have provided the requested documents to the officer and they released how come they release without arresting you use 'releived' us. In my country, I have never came across such situation. When looking at this example, there is no doubt that international journey could be dangerous. remove :"It is obvious that international travels have disadvantages."

From this it can be concluded that national travel is cheaper and more secure than international travel. Thus, it is clear the benefits of the international journeys are less you didn't talk about benefits of international travel , so how can you it is less then travelling in own country. After analyzing this subject, it is predicted that people should choose their own country for holidays.