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Written exam ---> practical assessments.

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 1:40 pm
by minhtrum
In the modern world, there are movements away from written exams to practical assessments.
Discuss advantages and disadvantages of this trend.

Can you check this essay for me please? Thanks

The methods of evaluating students have changed in recent years. Traditional written tests is being replaced by practical exams. This essay will take a closer look at the benefits and drawbacks of this trend.
To begin with, what makes practical tests useful is the capability of testing students ‘abilities. Whereas written exam is created to check whether students understand as well as remember the lessons, practical examinations such as oral tests or presentations can be utilized to evaluate teamworking and making quick decisions skills. One more reason suggests shifting form writing paper to practical assignments is that practical ones helps learners apply knowledge and theories into real life. With the traditional way of testing, some students may only review the lessons one day before the exam, and after that they are likely to forget what they have learned. On the other hand, experiments in practical tests aid students in remembering lessons in a longer time.
Nevertheless, this trend is not completely beneficial; there are some negative aspects that should be taken into consideration. The first disadvantage is the difficulty in grading a student‘s performance. It is obvious that the marking of practical tests has no fixed criteria and often relies on the perception of the examiner. Due to this, the new kind of evaluating seems to be biased. Furthermore, more time and money have to be spent to hold a practical exam in comparison with a traditional test as more human resources and facility is needed. For instance, oral examinations requires private rooms, recorders as well as interviewers.
In conclusion, the movement away from written tests to more practical assessment has its positive and negative aspects. However, if both types of examination is used wisely, the testing system would be impartial and efficient.

Re: Written exam ---> practical assessments.

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 1:55 pm
by Johnson zhang
In the modern world, there are movements away from written exams to practical assessments.
Discuss advantages and disadvantages of this trend.

The methods of evaluating students have changed in recent years. Traditional written tests is being replaced by practical exams. This essay will take a closer look at the benefits and drawbacks of this trend.not bad

To begin with, what makes practical tests useful is the capability of testing students ‘abilities.unclear Whereas written exam is created to check whether students understand as well as remember the lessons, practical examinations such as oral tests or presentations can be utilized to evaluate teamworking and making quick decisions skills. One more reason suggests shifting form writing paper to practical assignments is that practical ones helps learners apply knowledge and theories into real life. With the traditional way of testing, some students may only review the lessons one day before the exam, and after that they are likely to forget what they have learned. On the other hand, experiments in practical tests aid students in remembering lessons in a longer time.

Nevertheless, this trend is not completely beneficial doesnt make much sense; there are some negative aspects that should be taken into consideration. The first disadvantage is the difficulty in grading a student‘s performance. It is obvious that the marking of practical tests has no fixed criteria and often relies on the perception of the examiner. Due to this, the new kind of evaluating seems to be biased. Furthermore, more time and money have to be spent to hold a practical exam in comparison with a traditional test as more human resources and facility is needed. For instance, oral examinations requires private rooms, recorders as well as interviewers.

In conclusion, the movement away from written tests to more practical assessment has its positive and negative aspects. However, if both types of examination is used wisely, the testing system would be impartial and efficient.confusing , not sure what you mean here

Re: Written exam ---> practical assessments.

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 2:12 pm
by allen_zhang
Generally, every very good essay.
What's your targeting score?
You could write 8+ essays, I assume.

A few things:
The methods of evaluating students have changed in recent years. Traditional written tests is are being replaced by practical exams. This essay will take a closer close look at the benefits and drawbacks of this trend.
To begin with, what makes practical tests useful is the capability of testing students real ‘abilities. should be comma here Whereas written exam is created to check whether students understand as well as remember the lessons,should be full stop here practical examinations such as oral tests or presentations can be utilized to evaluate teamworking and making quick decisions skillsquick decision make skills. One more reasonthat suggests shifting form writing paper to practical assignments is that practical ones helps learners apply knowledge and theories into real life.this sentence is not talking about tests, but studying. With the traditional way of testing, some students may only review the lessons one day before the exam, and after that they are likely to forget what they have learned. On the other hand, experiments in practical tests aid students in remembering lessons in a longer time.

Nevertheless, this trend is not completely beneficial; there are some negative aspects that should be taken into consideration. The first disadvantage is the difficulty in grading a student‘s performance. It is obvious that the marking of practical tests has no fixed criteria and often relies on the perception of the examiner. Due to this, the new kind of evaluating seems to be biased. Furthermore, more time and money have to be spent to hold a practical exam in comparison with a traditional test as more human resources and facility is needed. For instance, oral examinations requires private rooms, recorders as well as interviewers.
In conclusion, the movement away from written tests to more practical assessment has its positive and negative aspects. However, if both types of examination is used wisely, the testing system would be impartial and efficient.

Re: Written exam ---> practical assessments.

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 4:01 pm
by minhtrum
I really appreciate your feedbacks.
Reply to allen_zhang: My target score is 7.5 ( overall)
I really have lots of problems with all the 4 skills, especially writting and speaking.
I can only produce a good writting after a long time of preparation, longer than 40 minute :D